Yebisu's Blog!

Archived blog

The ramblings of a lunatic!

Read this first before reading my diary:

Expect many grammatical errors and rants about random shit like aliens on mushrooms or something like that. This place on the interwebs is basically my diary! This is the most controversial part of my website so fair warning, may include extremely nihilistic takes, talk of suicidal topics, violence, shit like that. Would not recommend for those who are sensitive on those topics.

June 26, 2024

Got a bunch of money so I went to the mall!! Bought me some new socks from Spencers! Yay! Also I found my school friend and we walked around and talked. My shoes are falling apart so I ordered new ones!

June 13, 2024 - Last day of school

Another year passes, another year wasted. It was gonna be a good day at school, was. Apparently, our dickhead princepal, for some reason, was focused to be a sour asshole today out of all days over some gay uniform policy. It's the fucking last day of school you old balding asshat, of course a third of the students are gonna show up wearing something they feel comfy in! I'm telling you this because I was wearing my casual outfit since yesterday I had no problems with it. This school has a million other different problems but they focused on some kids having fun not wearing their restrictive and boring uniforms?! Like seriously, there's rusty support beams withering away, a roach infestation (and I'm not talking about those small little fuckers in your apartment, I'm talking about the BIG ASS ONES), rodents, lack of morale among the students and faculty, dated look, and other various nitpicks about things like the elevators being untouched since the 50's! This school was originaly a SEGREGATED school for white students! It's been rotting since.

Eventually got in trouble for wearing FUCKING NORMAL CLOTHING and like the principal was getting all the security officers to look around for anyone who wasn't wearing uniforms, and like, instead of breaking up a fight that was occuring in the stairwell... who ever said the school higher-ups cared about their students? Does our principal have a uniform fetish or something? I lowkey just don't give a fuck anymore and cussed him out and left frustraited because I really wanted to say goodbye to a teacher that made me actually feel valued as an indivisual and not just as a student, that being my Geometry teacher. Also my old Biology teacher from last school year. Few people that showed me any positivity this school year that was actually genuine.

Friends all come and go... isn't it all just a waste..? Hey, maybe one day.. You'll see me again.. One day.

After storming out the building, I took a Black n' Mild I've been saving for the last day and chiefed it while walking to a place where I can chill. At a hill infront of empty futuristic buildings that haven't been put to use in a while. No cars, just a vacant parking lot and empty buildings. I sat at the top of the hill slumpt over a Black n' Mild. Shit made me all numb, something I really needed to calm myself down. Stayed there until like 11a.m.

After school, I went to my best friends apartment to ask her mom if we could go to the mall in Wheaton, she said sure but my friend had to clean up the kitchen. So I waited around in the living room, I was charging my phone there. Suddenly I saw 2 kids nearly butt naked scurry out the corner of my eye, that's just her little siblings. She had 2 cats in her apartment, Rocky and Socks. I think the first cats name was Rocky, not totally sure, I can't remember.

Rode around catching multiple busses to get to Wheaton, stopped by a 7-Elevenn to get snacks and went to the mall. Got some Yu-Gi-Oh cards and a Monster, my friend got some things for our other friend and some boba tea. Fun day :DDD (except the school part, a special fuck you for my school principal. See you in hell, Mr. [RETRACTED].)

Oh also, we went to Spencer's and went to the back of the store to laugh at the penises and dildos and stuff and had a good time until some miserable loser who worked there told us to leave that part of the store, as if we haven't seen worse. And he said it in the most dick way. Funnily enough, right behind him was a bag of "sour dickheads" which was fitting. He must be jealous that we're happy and he's not and stuck working at fucking Spencer's.

June 09, 2024

Went to locals again today with a new deck and stratagy and got ONE WIN!! LET'S GOOO NEW RECORD! (I suck at this game.) Today, I brought a few cards to trade and got some Purrely cards to build a Purrely deck, the deck I was running today was a burn,stun, and LP gain deck. It would be a better pick if it was Edison format. Building a Purrely deck because it's super cheap and actually a good deck, I feel like both of my decks that I played with suck completely. Only problem is having to learn how to play with the Purrely cards, mainly want to play them because they are like super fucking cute.

May 31, 2024

Just two more weeks at this god foresaken school until it's over, then I am free. I will transfer to another school. I want to leave everyone there behind.

May 29, 2024

Nothing special, like always. Go to school tired and don't do jackshit. Woke up extra spiteful and grumpy. Played Grezzodue today because I saw a cool video about it, pretty good game. Doom clone but awesome. Probably the best game I've played in a while, actually. It's like a combination of everything I love in a game. Would reccomend if you are not a pussy that cries about offensive shit, even though it's in Italian.

On an unrelated note, they were giving out free stirfry ramen packs at the Bueno Mart, got 5 of them. They are marked "best before May 31, 2024", whatever that means.

May 25, 2024

Got some money today! Some from my grandma, she gives her favourite grandchildren some money from her monthly Social Security check since she quit her job once she got her house built in El Salvador. Got like 75 bucks! And someone commissioned me for another 20, with that 20 bucks I ordered some cards for a new Yu-Gi-Oh deck! It was a deck that I've been playing on Master Duel. It's a Life Point gain deck that like inflicts damage at the same time. Hope it arrives soon, I'll just still run the same Dragonmaid deck as last time. I'mma bring my deckbox and a little trade binder too, maybe even a playmat of some sorts. Probably a bandana. Whatever I can fit in my pockets. Probably gonna lose alot but I'm really only going for that free pack of Rarity Collection II, the pack normally costs like 10 bucks and the entry for the Locals is like 10 so why not?

May 24, 2024

On the last day of school, my friends are gonna skip with me and we are going to have a little picnic. We'll probably get some food from the CVS and the Wendy's and the Taco Bell. I hope we do it in the nearby empty field infront of that weird empty frutiger aero looking building by the shopping centre. Today in cooking class, we were making lasagna and we didn't have the oven on so we secretly took it home before the teacher saw to get a good grade on it. Ate it on the bus, suprisingly didn't get sick from it.

May 20, 2024

Another day of doing jackshit, I haven't even drawn anything... Slept thorugh most of my classes. My final grade doesn't really matter anymore because the school district decided to change the grading system to allow more students to pass. Making the past quarter grades matter as long as they are passing, the final quarter really doesn't matter. Been half assing most of my school work anyways. I haven't even completed a commission from the beginning of the month.

May 18, 2024 - Testing my Tiny World

Today was my bestie's birthday party! First, we went to a rollerskating ring! I busted my ass on the railing and floor multiple times! I now have a fear of rollerskating and slippery shoes. After that we went to a Hibachi resturant in Laurel! First time ever being to one! It was such a cool experience! Had a lot of fun today! Her dad (who lives seperate, for... reasons) dropped me off at my apartment and we live in the same apartments! Tiny world, huh?

May 17, 2024

Another friday come and gone, like every week. This one was slightly different. It was school Community Day! Afterschool there were preformances in the auditorium and after the preformances, there was food, games, desserts and more outside in the parking lot! It was pretty much the same as last year's Community Day, except the rock band wasn't there and instead, the drummer sang on stage. I didn't any of my friends there... until my best friend came running because she went home to get out of these ridiculus uniforms. For the beginning of the event, I was moping around all sad with no one to talk to or hang out with until my bestie came. We went to try to go get our other friend but she's too busy with her other friends and her ex.. Me and bestie are better as a duo then us and our other friend as a trio anyways. Dude! We got snowcones, funnel cakes, pizza, chips, tacos and sodas! We had a blast! I haven't been this happy in a while! After that we went to the CVS to get cat food for her cat and she bought me a Monster! When I came back home, my mom wanted to smell my breath because she always be thinking I be smoking or drinking or whatever when I'm outta home for a long time. Anyways, this day was great! I even have 2 photos printed out at the photo booth they had!

May 12, 2024

I went to my first Yu-Gi-Oh Locals tournament today! Sure I didn't win a single round (I didn't have the best deck) but I got some new cards and cards I really needed for the deck, and some tips from the people who play the game competitively. I had too many useless trap and spell cards. Those being the cards Greed, Robbin' Goblin, Solumn Wishes, Magic Cyclinder, Mountain, and some other cards that are really situational. Lost the tounrament because of those cards bricking my hand. Got two copies of Infinite Impermanence to help the deck out along with 2 more Mystical Space Typhoons. Kinda hard making a Dragonmaid deck from scratch. I'll just go online and see what's the best Dragonmaid deck.

Today I met alot of new and interesting people at that Locals event. This dude gave me some common cards he got from openning a whole box while waiting for the tournament to start. I went against this autistic dude, he was super cool. He was running an Exodia deck and another deck, I can't remember what it was. One problem, he only had beat up transparent sleeves. So I bought him some of the good pricey sleeves since he was so chill, he gave me a copy of Infinite Impermanence and a cool holographic Monster Reborn. I feel like he won the tournment. I don't know since I had to leave early to go help my mom at work. I was already disqualified because I didn't win any rounds. I'mma try my luck in the next locals event, maybe, just maybe I'll win a round or two.

May 09, 2024

Been miserable for the past 2 weeks, I'm not motivated to draw anything. I often now feel like others are better than me. Can't wait for the end of the school year, transferring out of this shithole. This place is causing me hair loss.

May 04, 2024

Got my desk in my room to have my bulky laptop on. Ate some lasagna and slept. Tomorrow's gonna rain again so I'll just sleep in this weekend.

May 03, 2024

Nothing of notority for the past 3 days or so. I mean today I witnessed a girl get her wig snatched and she screamed as if she was stabbed or something, real blood curdling scream. As soon as that happened, my bestie passed by and grabbed me to go skip fourth period and go to the auditorium where the dorks and nerds of the school are practicing for their yearly cringey (but cool because of how cringey it is). We just spent our time chilling and talking. I think the finished production will be on the 17th afterschool along with the rest of the stuff they'll be showing at the yearly auditorium shows. Ate some shitty junk food from the 7-11 afterschool because my mom wasn't home and there wasn't nothing to eat at home.

April 30, 2024

First day of state testing, sucked. Would've gone home right after finishing the test but I had no money and I wanted to stay afterschool during study hall to play Yu-Gi-Oh with a friend, too bad we didn't even play because he and everyone else there went to the audiotrium because some of the people there was practicing for the awful and cringey Power Rangers Play they do every year. It's always been orchestrated by this dork ass fat guy. I genuinely think that I could make a better play. Atleast we got pizza. Got a new commission from someone for 35 bucks, which is like the most I've ever made from a commission, they wanted 2 of their OCs holding hands + a background + Shading (I fucking suck at that if I'm gonna be real). Too bad I got the last part of state tests tommorow so that won't let me work on the commission. We finish around 11 so I'll just skip the day after that and go eat and draw. Or go to the Game Kastle in College Park. Or both.

April 29, 2024

Spent the day sleeping. In and out of school.

April 28, 2024

The months almost over, I can't wait for the school year to be over. Last night I grew angry at how my room looked so I moved my bed and made more space in the room. I plan on having a desk in my room for my laptop, considering the laptop is like 8 pounds. I might go ahead and connect the laptop to a monitor and make it more of a desktop with a HDMI cable my dad has laying around from the old family computer that we stopped using. My mom now has the desktop area as her own sewing station. I think I'll even move the printer, seems cool to have one. And I wonder if I can get the ethernet up and running since I do have an ethernet port in my room that has gone unused for a whole decade. My room must've been someone's home office. I mean it does look like a perfect place to have a home office. My family all went to the big thrift store in White Oak where all the rich and well-off white folks live at. Found 2 tins of Yu-Gi-Oh cards, one was like 5 bucks and the other being like 19, ofcorse the 5 dollar one had less as the 19 dollar one, that one was completely loaded. They were behind the counter that has all the cool good shit. There was even a 80 dollar copy of Pokemon Platinum, probably someones mom donated it to here because she must not know how much it currently costs. I bought the 5 dollar tin because I only had 17 dollars on me, the cards were cool! Too bad all the notable cards were just rares, no holos. Atleast it wasn't all bulk. The bigger tin probably had good stuff. After that, we ate carry-out and then my dad bought me and my sister ice cream!

April 24, 2024

Been working on my mental health as of lately because it really needs to be worked on. Decided to go walk in the park afterschool instead of falling asleep like usual. My dad and my little sister decided to tag along too, we walked the park route until we got to the bridge, we headed back because we were tired and didn't have water. Tommorow we are going back to walk now with bottles of water and we are gonna walk until we pass by our old home in West Hyattsville. The park was gorgeous but I out of everyone in the family has a severe allergy problem, Can't wait for the end of Spring so the pollen doesn't fuck me over. Also I got another commission I can't post (mostly because my irls follow me), it's basically softcore furry porn. Can't want for the end of the school year so I can block all my classmates and start posting some gay shit on my Instagram because only porn artists get successful online.

April 23, 2024

The stress finally got to me and had me breaking down at like 11pm today. At least my family cares for my well being, school and its inhabitants dont; they're the source of all my pain. When I was younger, I would always try to make others smile and laugh. A class clown of some sorts. They weren't laughing with me but rather laughing at me. All of it comes from me trying to make people happy. That made all of my peers respect for me dwindle. Fuck them all.

In a less depressing note; my Smeargle and Tropius plushies arrived!!!

April 22, 2024

There's nothing else in this world that I hate more is fake friends, I hate myself for even being related to them in the slightest. My 4th period teacher wasn't here today so I decided to skip. I had no one else to hang out with so I decided to tag along with one of my old "friends" that I sit next to in guitar class and his friends. We were headed to the McDonalds' because everyone who likes skipping class goes there. Let's call him "S", so I ordered 4 McChickens, one for me and 1 each for S and his friends. He immediately became very hostile with me. Told me to get lost or some shit. NGL I used to have a crush on him last year. And the year before that, we got into a shitshow of a fight where neither of us won or lost it was just embarrassing and during the fight I feel on my own soda which spilled from my backpack. One of my old friends (WHICH IS A TOTAL ASSHOLE TOO) was recording it and recorded me falling. When that video was shared all over the school, I lost all respect from friends, peers, and even TEACHERS! FUCKING! TEACHERS! I STILL HATE THEM FOR ALLOWING STUDENTS TO MAKE FUN OF ME IN FRONT OF THEM!!! I decided to not hold a grudge and be the bigger person and such. So I decided to give the sandwiches to some other guys that was sitting next to them and took one and left. I walked all the way to a bus stop near my school which was like 3 Kilometers while shouting, crying, and eating a McChicken and a Monster. Cried until I got close to home on the bus and decided to calm myself with a peaceful stroll in the park. Sat by the river for 20 minutes to loosen me up and calm myself by counting all the fish that passed by.

April 21, 2024

Doing commissions and sleeping. Ordered some Pokemon plushies from the Pokemon Center the other day. A Smeargle and a Tropius, I kinda wanted a Chimecho one too but I'll buy that another day because I want to buy myself some food first. Both of them were only 11 dollars since they aren't very popular. A Chimecho one's like 17-ish. They'll arrive like at the end of the month.

April 20, 2024 - National Annoying Dipshits' Day

Got 60 or so dollars so I went to the mall and used a coupon from Hot Topic that was gonna expire soon to buy a Nirvana (Mediocre at best) shirt and 2 pairs of socks because a rat fucked up my favorite pair yesterday. I don't usually like Nirvana shirts because the majority of them are preppy shirts. This one was cool tho, it was the one with the yellow smiley thing. Ate a bunch of fried chicken today from a kebab shop at the mall and from Wingstop.

April 16, 2024

Boring day at school, stayed afterschool to play YuGiOh with a friend, I made him a new deck. A Dark Magician deck, I made it too strong admittedly. Drank too much coffee there. Man. Each night, I get these depressing thoughts, I don't feel like talking about it on here. I'll keep them in my personal diary.

April 13, 2024

Today, my shitty 7-11 earbuds stopped working so I got a new Android phone to use my "fake" AirPods with. I can have free Spotify premium with the APK I guess. Too bad the camera's always shit.

April 12, 2024

What a boring day. I updated my iPhone to the newest software and completely forgot how Apple decided to bend over their consumers and fuck them without lubricant by making fake AirPods not work, I was so furious in the morning. I asked my mom if we could pass by the 7-11 to get a pair of wired ones and she bought me them along with a can of coconut water. There's only like 3 issues with the headphones though.

1. It sounds like it's been through the laundry twice.

2. There are exposed wires on the microphone and audio buttons what when touched in the slightest, makes a horrible sound.

3. I can't charge my phone because of the single port Apple decided to put on their fucking phones.

My next phone will probably be a samsung or something like that. Apple can eat shit and it's founder is rotting in hell as we speak.

April 11, 2024

Nothing of importance occurred today at school. Only interesting thing was that I found a .22 LR bullet right outside of school. It was a hollow point one. Doesn't suprise me.

April 10, 2024

My mom woke me up telling me that I was late for school and I told her that today there's no school because of Eid al-Fitr, I had to show her the bolded letters on her calandar to show her that there was no class today. Spent most of the day rotting in bed and far away in Rockville and Wheaton. I bought a new belt and sleeves for my deck.

Post Scriptum: The sleeves I ordered from AliExpress never came and the magnetic deck box was all bend and warped so I got a refund.

April 09, 2024

Felt like a filer episode, Tuesdays as per usual. On Tuesday and Wednesdays there's like a nerd reunion in the art class afterschool where the biggest nerds come and hand out and play Super Smash Bros. Me and the nerd who I was playing Yu-Gi-Oh with was there and we finished our games that we never finished because of time constraints, our lunch time is only like 20 minutes minus waiting in line and eating. Suprisingly there was people there that played Yu-Gi-Oh there! Sadly they didn't have their decks on them. Dude, THERE WAS SOMEONE THERE THAT USED A DRAGONMAID DECK TOO!!! I'll probably say afterschool on thoses days.

April 05, 2024

This morning I found 2 nerds who play or played Yu-Gi-Oh, one's someone I used to poke fun of and one I always thought to myself "wow that kid's a fucking dweeb". Might play with them on Tuesday or whenever we have our decks. Nerd #1 used to play Duel Links with a Blue-Eyes deck so I'll give him a Blue-Eyes deck I don't use. I just need one more card to finish my deck, now I'm just waiting for my sleeves to arrive. And my magnetic deckbox but my plastic one will do for now.

On an unrelated note, I'm craving for some Swedish Meatballs at the moment and I'm writing this in 4 in the morning.

April 04, 2024

Chilling doing jack shit at school. Can't be bothered to do shit. Probably gonna cheat all year round. The wealthy and powerful cheat all the time to get to where they are now so fuck it. Also I got a field trip permission slip to go to The Smithsonian! There's a few slots open and the last day to turn it in is tommorow! So I got to come to school early tommorow to get in before some snot nosed nobody takes my spot on the bus for the bus.

April 02, 2024 - Last day of Spring Break

My last day of paradise has ended and tommorow we must go back to school, I wish to fall asleep and never wake up tonight. I wish to be in my dreams forever. My sanctuary of happiness, my garden of hope, my beacon of joy. My school is a place where these dreams wither away like a rose. I hope I don't see that balding bastard of an administrator tommorow and I hope he doesn't remember me. Fuck it either way, mate. Honestly don't care about my specific school.

March 31, 2024 - Easter

Feliz Pasqua, hijos de remil puta! Este parte de mi diaro va estar en ESPANOL!! Y TU NO PUEDES ASER NADA PARA PADARME!!!! Pues hoy fue normal. Me olvide que hoy fue Pasqua y todos los tiendas estan cerrados y fue al centro comercial de Hyattsville y Wheaton, los dos fueron cerrados, gaste mi tarde para nada..

March 22, 2024

Decided to go to school out of uniform, I don't understand why the fuck a public school and it's district has to have a uniform policy, it's really unfair. Every other school county around mine doesn't have this bullshit in place. There was a dead body found infront of the school, a hit and run. The school administrator decided to reunite/cram everyone inside the auditorium, there was probably an assembly about what happened. I didn't get to see it because a super fucking nosey teacher decided to be a bitch and sent me to this one fucking administrator that I really fucking hate. EVERY FUCKING MORNING IN THE MORNING ANNOUNCEMENTS, HE ALWAYS SAYS THE SAME SHIT ABOUT OoOOoOOoOooOOOOO WEAR SCHOOL UNIFORM BLAH BLAH SHIT LIKE THAT!!! Like cut me some slack, it's friday, the last day before Spring Break! He said that I dressed "inappropriately" and wanted me in his office. Decided to tell him something I wanted to tell him ever since I got here. I told him fuck you and eat a dick and left out the door. I should've worn a hoodie since it was super cold outside. I couldn't go back home since my mom's there. So I walked alot on a road that leads to College Park. Chilled around the park until I couldn't take the cold any longer and went to the Starbucks, right next to the Starbucks was a Game Kastle. They open at 12 so I spent 2 and a half hours waiting in the Starbucks and drank a coffee. I never really drink coffee. This was my first time ever drinking an entire coffee. Odd, tastes like cigarettes. I spent those 2 and a half hours at the Starbucks drawing on my iPad. I'm halfway done with the third page of the comic book I'm making. Went to the Game Kastle and bought a deck box and a sticker. Then I spent the rest of my time at the Mall until it was time to head home. My mom got angry at me because I skipped the entire day. I wonder how mad she'll be if the administrator I cussed out ever catches me and wants to suspend me. Fuck it. Bro's not gonna remember it after a week and a half. Just gotta lay low at school for a month just incase. Decided to place my useless junk on sale on the Facebook marketplace. Sold a copy of Minecraft on Switch instantly to a Dominican guy. Tommorow, I plan on walking from home to West Hyattsville where I used to live because my mom said that I should try to get some fresh air once in a while. Ordered more Yu-Gi-Oh cards for my deck. Maybe I'll find people to play with. Probably at the Game Kastle on the weekends. There's a lot of nerds in College Park since it has the University located in it. I wonder if I'll ever even graduate high school or ever go to Uni or college. I wanna work at a game store or draw for a living. I wonder what my life will be like when I'm out of school. Will it be a successful carrier? Will it be miserable? Both? I wonder who cares enough to read this entire diary entry. I wonder who cares about me. Maybe I'll one day disappear. Hey, maybe one day you'll see me again.

March 21, 2024

My little sister wanted me to buy her a bag online so in the morning, me and my mom went down to the bank before class started. My mom gave me 20 bucks to help her at her job later in the night since there was gonna be some dumb event for the teachers at that school. I immediately spent it on sleeves and cards for a Yu-Gi-Oh deck I'm building. It's a Dragonmaid deck, I played with the deck online in the game because the cards looked cool. I have to admit that the cards are kind of expensive. Or to me atleast, I'm beyond broke and my card balance is always like in the cents. I didn't really do much in school today or tommorow, but I have Latin 2 tommorrow and he's so boring like holy shit. The job was a breeze to do, just sweeping and cleaning and mopping the floor. I can't wait for my stuff to arrive.

March 20, 2024

Today was suprisingly good, fixed myself up with a new backpack because yesterday my backpack's zippers snapped off and broke into 2 and I had to carry my stuff in a tote bag and got called a "f----t" by some insecure loser on the school bus. Atleast say it in my face, fucking coward. Yesterday wasn't the best day. But today was better, my weirdo old bald Latin teacher wasn't here today so I spent that whole class drawing for a reboot to a project you may have seen last summer that I was experimenting with... maybe you remember "Dreams with a Z so it's Cooler"? The reason that it never really got worked on is because I was drawing on my small broken iPhone SE with my fingers. Drawing on a phone for me felt super unnatural and a slow process to even get a sketch, it took me forever to make ONE drawing. Also when I made it, if you may have seen, I used a crappy digital pen for the majority of the time and I felt like it wouldn't fit what I was going for at the time. But now with the iPad, I'm drawing faster, so I have decided to reintroduce the project after puting it aside for half a year. You can say the first version of DBWAZSIC was kind of a "demo test". Going to make the new version a little more detailed I guess. Now enough of that. Today in my Food Trends and Tech class we made CHIMICHANGAS!! Me and my friends made them, I was the one who was making the chicken while the other 2 were helping out with cleaning, cutting the chicken, chopping peppers, getting ingredients and setting up the chimichangas. We ended up with 4, so I brought one home for my mom to try out. While we were cooking, the guy that I got into a heated arguement with a few weeks ago was staring at me for the whole time while doing jackshit, while I was eating my chimichanga, he was giving me the stink eye while mumbling to themselve about things. I only heard/understood the word "dumbass", I may be a retard but I am no dumbass! Like I get it, you lack parental love and live in an abusive home, boo hoo with you and your pathetic existance. When I got home, I checked out the mailbox and found a package for me, it was some Yu-Gi-Oh cards I ordered a while ago! I'm planning on building a Dragonmaid deck just for the fun of it. You never know, maybe during the summer I'll spend all my time playing Yu-Gi-Oh at game shops and randoms on the street. Maybe some nerds at my school play it. Probably not. Plan on getting a deck box and everything set.

March 15, 2024

Totally was tripping this morning, I accidentally went to my B-day first period class and sat down for a while until I noticed that no one there looked familiar and some people were staring at me, I asked the teacher if I was tripping or not and I was. So I've totally given up on some classes, I'll probably gonna have to use AI to pass Law and Chem class but sometimes I lock in. Like today in LSN Government class there was a Kahoot and the top 5 get a homework pass and I don't like doing homework so I always use homework passes for that class, I LOCKED IN like holy fuck I tryharded that shit and got first place. Afterschool, I went to Len's apartment to get a poster, my mom told me it's demonic and doesn't want me to put it in my room. Got home late because the metro bus was late and full so I decided to wait another 10 minutes for another one.

March 13, 2024

The coupon was expired. Granted it was from like 2017 I really did not expect it to work. The store I want to try to claim the coupon smelled like virginity and chips. I went to the mall after that and ate food. It's been a while since I filled out that job application and I'm still waiting for a response, maybe a call, a text, or an e-mail. School's been draining the life out of me, it kills my creativity and supresses the time I have to draw stuff. I don't even have time to make my website prettier since when I come home, the first thing I do is eat and throw myself onto my bed and wake up like at 7:30 then fall asleep at like 2 in the morning. Miserable existance. I lowkey wanna drop out of school and do my own thing but then my parents will kick me out and I'll have to find a place to go. Maybe a friends house.

March 09, 2024

Yesterday while I was organizing some Yu-Gi-Oh cards I had, I found a coupon for a free starter deck at offical Yu-Gi-Oh tournament stores. I checked out to see how far one might be and theres one in Rockville. Didn't go today because it was raining. I wonder if it even works anymore since I remember getting it like 6 years ago. Also today I submitted an job application to get a job at the local Walgreens, they needed a bilingual cashier so I hope I get the job, I don't want to have to get a job at a fast food place, Walgreens is more chill and laid back compaired to a McDonalds where the manager is running it like the Navy.

March 06, 2024

Didn't feel like going to third and fourth period so I just hung out with some friends. We snuck out of school and when to McDonalds to chill. The employees and manager don't really care that we were there. Bought a McChicken since I was hungry and drew on my iPad. Tommorow I got a doctor's appointment because of some liver problems. Anything to not go to school.

March 04, 2024

Yesterday was complete shit, both my Airpod case and laptop charger broke. I had to bend my laptop charger to make it charge but it's really weird. It keeps my laptop on but it doesn't charge. I had to tape my airpod case to make it work.

March 02, 2024

Last night my friend, Caleb, introduced me to Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duels and we played together, now I am hooked on this dork ass card game. I've been grinding a lot on this game. Today I went to dump a bunch of coins I've been saving up into a coinstar machine. I got back in return like 11 bucks, most of the coins were pennies. We [the US Mints] should've stopped minting coins years ago. They are next to worthless and take up space. With that 11 dollars, I just went to buy junk food.

February 28, 2024

Felt empty all day, more than usual. Maybe I'll keep this room until my little sister is like in high school. Maybe by that time I'll be heading off to college. Or living in the living room. Or living at a friends house. I feel like I'm in a bad dream. I am afraid of my future, I do not know what I want to be working as. I hope I find a job that I actually enjoy, not some dead end 9-5 wageslave job. Today at school was miserable and boring, I hate that boring ass Latin 2 class I am in. Tommorow I will see if there's a different Latin class to switch to.

February 27, 2024

Well... today's the day that my grandma going back to her country of El Salvador. I don't know how I'll live without her. We've shared the same room since I was 4. When I was 4, my little sister was born and kept little me up at night with her crying so I took my blanket and pillow to my grandmother's room and began sleeping in her bed. Eventually, I grow out of sharing that bed and got my own bed when I moved into a new apartment, an apartment my family still lives in to this day. It's been nearly 9 years of us living here. I've always wanted my own room but I don't know about having to live without her. She'll be gone for 3 months, she'll visit during summer break. I wonder if I'll even have this room for myself since my uncle might take it if he'd like. Wonder if I will be emotionally strong tommorow morning.

February 25, 2024

Why did I have to get sick on the weekend? I'm just waiting for the end times to occur for me to not go to school or worry about my future. Why couldn't I get sick on Monday!? I hate having a runny nose :(

February 23, 2024

Woke up feeling like shit, I kinda felt sick too. Today was a shitty day at school. Cried today in Guitar class and vented my feelings with my guitar teacher. After that, I chilled inside the boys bathroom because I was still teary-eyed and I do not like crying in public. I hated this day at school, my body felt so weak today. After school, I received a message from someone interested in trading my 3DS + games for an iPad, so I accepted the offer. Most of the time, the Facebook Marketplace is just full of bullshit scam bot accounts who appear to want to send you money through PayPal and e-mail you a scam link trying to trick you into thinking the real Venmo or PayPal is messaging you. Thankfully, the guy was really chill and traded me an iPad, case, and Apple Pencil. Once I got home, I felt like collapsing. My body is abnormally hot.

February 22, 2024

Another filler day, or atleast that's what it feels like. Hate it as usual, B-days would've been good but no, the school decided to put me in the most boring Latin ever and ontop of that, on the one period which takes the longest to go by. I hate both the teacher and the subject. Now in my fourth period for the entirety of the school year, there has been this one absolute idiot that just sits in the back and doesn't do the work and just disrespects the teacher (mind you, my fourth period B-day teacher is actually nice). When the teacher asked him about the little mundane assignment that really wasn't even difficult to do, he was talking back and said that he didn't do it. He's been doing this shit everyday. I built the courage to tell him that he should just drop out at this point if he isn't gonna do shit and he told me "Aye, shut yo ass up before I steal you", I had to go on Urban Dictionary to understand half of his vocabulary. I told him that I felt sorry that he did not have a strong father figure at home, he got angry and the teacher had to seperate us. I tried being nice to him. I feel like I will have future conflicts with him.

February 20, 2024

A two-hour late delay was placed in today's schedule so I entered school earlier. I wish we always entered school 2 hours earlier, I can not stand waking up at 5:30 in the morning to shower and get ready to start the school day at 7:45. The school I plan on transfering to next year actually starts two hours early. I don't mind me having to come home late. Day went by fast, one thing I do not like about both two-hour early dismissals and delays is that my 3rd period is always super long because of the lunch schedules. Decided not to bother with my boring Latin class in third period so I skipped the remaining classes and went to Wendy's. Got a Triple Pretzel Baconator, I feel like such a fucking fatass for eating that.

After eating, I went down to a little creek where I just laid back and hang around. I had a little adventure going up the creek and balanced myself around odd slopes near the water with a big bamboo stick I found that was bigger than me. Jumped a few fences to get back on the main road to wait for the bus. Arrived near my home a little early, too early to go home without my mom asking. So I spent the remaining time at the thrift store just across from home and bought a Offspring SMASH CD and went to the McDonalds to get a Shamrock shake. Pretty good shake, $4.55 is a little too much for a milkshake, granted that I bought it Large.

February 19, 2024

Today's President's Day so no school, thank you dead presidents for worrying about my sanity by making school closed today! Went to the mall again just to hang around. I feel better about myself away from my mother's judgement. Why can't she be happy for me for once, I feel like I was a failed abortion and she's only rasing me because it is the law or something. I came home and showed her the cool mushroom socks I bought at Spencer's and she complained about the colours. "They aren't boy colors" blah blah blah, you get the idea. It is just pastel colours. Oh and don't let me get started on how she views my hair. My efforts of telling her that this is the only part of my wretched body that I like prove to be pointless. I hate my body apart from my hair, it makes me feel safe and makes me feel better of myself. Without it, I am just another fat loser, nothing special about me. She can hate all she wants, I will not let her prejudice get to me.

February 16, 2024

My two "best friends" have been ignoring me, am I that easily replaceable...? Don't need them anyways! They are liablities! AHAHAHAHA! I miss talking to my friends... I messenged one of them to ask them if she still wanted to go to the mall tomorrow like she promised and she left me on read. I am throwing away my stupid friendship braclets or at the very least, hide them in a box hiding from my memory. Maybe they forgot to talk to me, maybe they forgot about me. I wish everyone would forget about me being in their lives completely to start on a fresh new start. Atleast my Deltarune T-shirt from fangamer arrived today, it's Susie from Deltarune with her axe. Only good part of today. I hope my school gets set ablaze by a short circuit or something like that.

February 15, 2024

Woke up wishing I died while I was sleeping, my dreams is one of the only places when I feel happy. I can't keep bottling my emotions, this is horrible for my health. My delusional dreams at night seem brighter than my future at times. I want to follow my dreams of being a rockstar or an artist, probably have to sell my soul to the Rothschilds. I had a breakdown this morning, thank God my teacher allowed me to go outside to cry where no one else could see me. I feel safe crying where no one is looking at me. Some of my peers, atleast used to, saw me as a strong fighter type. That's now just a distant memory. 4th period alleviated me from this horrible feeling. We were doing a fun activity in Food Trends and Technologies class! We were taste testing food for their colour, aroma, texture and taste, we tasted apple juice, cranberry juice, cheezits, and graham crackers. When I got home, I through myself onto my bed and began to cry like every other day.

February 14, 2024 - St. Valentine's Day

I hate this shit ass "holiday". I hate seeing people be better than me. Would 100% KMS but that would make my mom sad. Fuck Jeff Bezos, that evil old bald bastard has been draining my bank account without my knowledge, I removed my Prime membership in June yet I was still getting charged 15 dollars a month without me knowing. I only just realized I was paying for a Prime membership I did not even use. I hope Jeff Bezo falls from his high horse on the day of his Judgement, may he rot in the deepest pits of hell.

February 13, 2024

Gave the chocolates to my friends, they liked them! Nothing important today, atleast my Latin teacher wasn't here to bore us to death. After school I helped out my dad selling firewood in Silver Spring. Now I have 20 dollars.

February 12, 2024

I had zero sleep last night and fell asleep in Chemistry class, I don't know what the fuck is even going on in that class so might aswell sleep. Drawing by the time goes by.

February 11, 2024

When to the mall and bought 6 more pins and ate a chicken bake from Costco. Stopped by Dollar Tree to buy chocolates for my two best friends :3

February 07, 2024

Today was rather a good day, better than yesterday and monday. My father gave me 20 bucks to buy him a monster and let me keep the change. Spent most the day chilling and barely understanding what the teachers are talking about, watch me fail Chemistry. Not counting the additional 35 dollars I am recieving from commissions, I now have 50 or so dollars. Afterschool I went to the Wheaton mall just to vibe and buy pins. Solid good day, hope tommorow won't suck.

February 05, 2024

I seriously can't take all the bullshit this school throws at me but I can't just leave. Are you ever best friends with someone just for them to ignore you at months at a time? Then have the gaul to switch back to normal and pretend that they did not just ignore your friendship for a FUCKING MONTH! And they sit RIGHT NEXT TO YOU in your class. They pretended like I wasn't there and instead replaced me with someone else. Left for 4th period because I was too much in a shit mood to go, I hate myself and their shitty little cycle of being my friend and ignoring me. Am I just too self-centered? Am I just jealous? Whatever this entire fucking school can eat my shit.

February 02, 2024

God I hate first period on A-days, and it is entirely at fault to this super annoying kid in there. I had to help him carry the science projects from the small gym class to the class with 2 other of his loser friends, I ain't do shit and just was silent all the way while they run their mouths all the way to and from the class. Only good thing that happened in that class was me getting a 97% in both my assessments. Sometimes I beat myself over because of this class. Wonder how I did it. Won some sticks of gum in LSN class, did fuck all in my last 2 classes. Finally get to relax now, this week felt like forever.

February 01, 2024

Another month passes by like nothing. Nothing really happened today too, only notable thing was me going to Wendy's for the first time in years. Got a pretzel Baconator. Shit go hard I guess.

January 31, 2024

Getting back into my Deltarune/Undertale phase, last time I was in this phase was 8th grade when Deltarune Chapter 2 was released. No wonder I was relentlessly harrassed and bullied in 8th grade and lost all my friends.

Hope the future chapters come soon. Did fuck all throughout all day, just played games on my computer.

January 30, 2024

I have been quite clumsy today, more than normal. I have been falling over alot. When I was walking up the stairs to my Geometry class, I feel. Going down stairs to go to lunch, I fell down the flight of stairs and when I got off the school bus, I feel onto the pavement. Begining to grasp the consept of Sine, Tangent, and Cosine in Geometry class, oddly enough the only lesson that I didn't beat myself up over not understanding. Thank God I got a chill Geometry teacher.

January 29, 2024

Waking up with the urge to not go to school and just sleep. Feel like a total dumbass when I enter my Chemistry class, the most chemistry that I might use when I'm older is making crack if my lifes shit when I am like 30. Then some shitty LSN Gov't class, as if I will ever have any sort of political power. As if I were to have any say in anything in the government, it is all controlled by old and rich people. There was a substitute teacher in my guitar class so I spent that time drawing something. Then some law class, as if I would make it out as a lawyer or even a judge. My mom made spagghetti so that was nice.

January 28, 2024

Been playing Sharpshooter3D all weekend and finished a commission for Fig. I wonder if I should post it or not. Went to the food court today and ate pizza and a stromboli because there was nobody at the Pizza Hut.

January 26, 2024

Yesterday I was all sleepy and tired from doing fuck all and completely forgot to charge my school laptop so I had to compromise and bring my own personal laptop. Played Sharpshooter 3D throughout the school day. Basically fuck all with my school work, I rushed to get it done. It was abnormally hot today, it was 60 degrees fahrenheit. Just yesterday it was like 30 and it snowed like hell just a week ago. Weather here is weird. UGH! I hate how the bus that stops closest to my apartment is always backed filled to the brim, and mostly it is dumbasses with zero futures ahead of them that take the majority of the seating. These bastards had a vape that looked like one of those little girl toy figures and played shitty music through a dollar store stereo. Finally done with this week of school. Gotta finish a commission for someone. Doing good progress.

January 25, 2024

The shitty Chinese carry-out that I bought yesterday after the school bus dropped me off is making my stomach hurt today so I decided to not go to school. Didn't go because I really did not wanna go to school. I knew something was up when I tasted that shrimp fried rice. Slept until noon. School on A-days suck anyways.

January 19, 2024


January 18, 2024

Finnishing up some assignments before the long 4 day break. We won't have school on Monday either! Mostly because the end of the semester is here. I'm finally leaving that financial literacy class, I feel so DUMB and beat myself over not knowing what the hell the teacher is saying in that class. My mom picked me up from school to go to my yearly check-up at the doctor's office. I lost 10 pounds since the last visit so that's good. I told my doctor that one of my biggest concerns were that my hair is falling out more and more, so they took my blood to see if I had some sort of Thyroid problem. I don't wanna lose my full head of hair... It's the only part of my body that I don't feel ashamed or disgusted by...

January 17, 2024

After school, my and my best friends had a snowball fight that quickly ending because we didn't bring gloves and we froze our hands off... Also heard that on friday there will be a huge snow storm AGAIN! Yay! Hope there's no school!

January 16, 2024

Schools out because of all the snow. Slept all this long weekend. I haven't showered in 4 days. God I don't want to go back to school again.

January 09, 2024

Suprisingly, today we had a 2 hour early dismissal. Today there was this big ass storm that lasted until the night, the streets were flooded. Something I HATE about 2 hour early dimsmissals is that third period is extra long, AND IT'S ALWAYS B-DAY THAT THIS HAPPENS AND I HATE THAT BORING CLASS! Thank godness my mom was in the area and picked me up from school, after that we went to the mall and ate cheesesteaks! When I got home I played Fortnite with a friend and their friends! I had fun admittedly I do suck at the game.

January 07, 2024

Spent this weekend chilling, drawing, and eating take out. Chill weekend.

January 03, 2024

First day back to school, only enjoyed fucking around with my friends. Thankfully my Latin teacher wasn't here so I was working on a commission for someone. Nothing special today.

January 02, 2024 - Last day of Winter Break

Aww shit, last day of the break and I DO NOT wanna go back to that run down school. Spent my last day sleeping in and eating stuff.

December 31, 2023 - New Years' Eve!

Finally made it to the end of the year, felt like this year was never going to end but it finally did. THIS YEAR WAS SHIT!! The only reason it was shit was because of the stupid bumfuck school I go to. Like no one who will ever graduate here will do anything with their lives. The high school diploma that includes the name of this school is immediately worthless. My next school year, I will transfer from this school to one not that far, AND they DO NOT have a SHITTY UNIFORM POLICY! I would tolerate my current school if they would lift the uniform policy. Just have to deal with 6 more months until Sophomore year ends so I can transfer because my parents don't want me to transfer mid-year. I hope the singular person who reads my diary (Yeah I know this is a blog but I would like to call this my diary) is having a great New Years! This blog is like over a year old now, wonder how long I will update it. I'd like to believe I will update this until neocities is shut down, and hopefully I will have this archived somehow and I continue updating it on another Neocities-like platform until my final day on earth. Hey, maybe in heaven I can still update my neocities, maybe heaven has it's own version of neocities. I don't like how one day, I will have to leave everything behind, my art, my neocities, and my friends. We must enjoy our time here on earth while we can.

December 28, 2023

I've been sick all day. I FUCKING HATE HAVING A RUNNY NOSE!!! I feel hot and cold at the same time. Today my dad was looking at homes and saw a decently cheap one in bumfuck North Carolina. Atleast maybe there no ones a douchebag. There's mostly white people there, I rarely see them because my current residence is just the entirety of Latin America entirely localized into a town.

December 25, 2023 - CHRISTMAS

Just another overhyped overconsumerized holiday. Got jackshit for Christmas so I just played video games all day.

December 23, 2023

Grandma gave me 20 bucks and dropped me off by the Metro Station so I could catch a bus to Wheaton where I bought a Metallica t-shirt and 3 bracelets! Love you, Gram Gram! Ate a chicken bake and a monster. Stopped by the Dollar Tree on my way home and witnessed a pompous 18 year old security guard be a douche towards a man for "attempted shoplifting". He and the store manager was fucking tag teaming to catch him in the store, like he was running and shit. That poor paycheck isn't worth all that effort IMO. Currently working on an updated ref sheet of my sona. Might update the website too.


December 22, 2023

FUCKING FINALLY!!! FRIDAY!! LAST MISERABLE DAY OF SCHOOL BEFORE WINTER BREAK! I don't have to deal with this annoying brat with pubic hair on his head shaped like a Minecraft helmet that sits behind me that would never shut the fuck up and always says the same shit that he spews out of his mouth like "That's crazzzzzy broo"! LIKE I AM GOING TO FUCKING SHOW YOU CRAZY IF YOU DO NOT SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH, YOU SHIT FOR BRAINS!!! Too bad this shitty school district only is giving us next week and the monday after that off. Almost like they do not care about the welfare of the students. Hate this run down, ghetto, falling apart, dirty, shitty and abhorrent school so damn much! The only working vending machine that was in the cafeteria stopped working and the one with good shit in them hasn't been working since early November! I will use my old graffiti marker on them if they aren't fixed the day I come back from Holiday. Only came today since my Chemistry teacher thought it was a bright fucking idea to make us take a test today, I'm sure all my teachers aren't here. My Government teacher wasn't, guess I'll submit the essay on the 4th of January. On the test I got a 80 percent, which is a miracle! But my grades for that class is shit, a 65%... As if I were to be a scientist when I'm older. I texted my mom to pick me up, both of my parents showed up and we went to Clinton to fix a truck, I should've just skipped without telling them. Got home super fucking late. But I did eat some tacos tho..

December 21, 2023

Quick day, worked on my essay for LSN Government class throughout the day. Pretty chill day. My 4th period B-day teacher wasn't here again today so I left early to go wander around town. While I was waiting for the metrobus, I saw my friends so we just hung out. I went to the PetSmart to look at the fish and guinea pigs! I FUCKING LOVE GUINEA PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I had one as a pet, if only they weren't so expensive and I had space for it's cage. They also had birds, lizards, frogs and turtles. As I left I saw that they were selling Monster ebergy there so I bought one and went to the McDonalds where we were hanging out, these assholes made fun of me for buying a Monster energy at PetSmart. For a solid 14 or so minutes they were laughing their asses off over the fact that I bought a Monster at the PetSmart. After that we went to Target just to fuck around. A kind shoplifter left a cool Pokemon card on the floor so I took it. I also found a jumbo sized pin cememorating the memory of a loved one that passed on. I read "In Loving Memory, Aaron Spears" "1976-2023" "The GOAT" "The Drummer King". Never heard of him so I googled him up and he was a famous drummer. Odd find but good for my little pin collection. Hope tommorow will go fast.

December 20, 2023

This school week is going fast, just 3 more days until Christmas break starts. Gonna skip 4th period tommorow since the teacher is probably not gonna be there. Gonna go to get a McChicken or something. My mom already gave me my Christmas gift early in the form of my hoodie, I love it so much! Wonder what I'll get for Christmas? I plan on sleeping in on Christmas break and play videogames. Nerd shit as usual.

December 17, 2023

Helped out my mom today at work and got 20 bucks, tommorow my new wallet is coming (hopefully). It was raining hard all day today and it will continue in the night. Hope that floods the school and gives off the day off like last time!

December 13, 2023

Still got back pain, I hate my body. Brought my gaming pc to school because I was bored. Played Postal Redux for half the classes. In Food and Nutrition class, me and some classmates made mini pizzas, they tasted good. I got a call from Hot Topic saying my hoodie arrived. So afterschool I headed to Wheaton and get my hoodie, it's super comfy. The Costco self ordering machine stole 4 dollars from me when I wanted to get a chicken bake, my fatass still wanted a chicken bake so I spent another 4 bucks.

December 11, 2023

Stressfull morning, yesterday rained hard and it all froze up so the school got a 2 hour delay or whatever. Fucked up my back when helping my dad move furiture to the living room because were getting new carpets in the bedrooms. Atleast we got McDonalds afterwards. God I hate my Latin teacher and his class was the longest of the day because third period is where all the lunches happen. I should've skipped his class. Skipped 4th period because I was too tired to deal with 2 old bastards in a row. Went to the bank to deposit stuff. Afterschool I spent all day fixing my bedroom. Room looked pretty and less crowded after I threw away my old desk, if you can even call it that. It was really more of a stool where I'd put my stuff the charge. Ordered an Invader Zim wallet, my cureent one isn't really even a wallet or in good condition, more of a card holder.

December 09, 2023

Went shopping for a new hoodie, went to Hot Topic and found this really cool Invader Zim sweater with Gir on it and neon green flames so I bought it. Turns out it was too small for me even though it was pretty big. I returned it and bought a hoodie off the website. It'll arrive around IDK 5 days to ship to the store because I'm a cheap bastard who refuses to pay for shipping.

December 08, 2023

Mom found out that I was gay... she says that she still loves me but that I am just confused and need to find God. I mean idk. She read my old diary. I mean IDK what I really am TBH. Would be a total homo if the guys at school weren't all assholes. Thank God she didn't tell my dad, he'd go fucking ballistic. My step brother came out as gay and he was sent back to El Salvador, granted he and my father didn't have a good relationship because he left him in El Salvador while he got engaged with my mom here in the United States. I feel like he'd send me to some military school or something. I'd genuinely would run away from home if that ever happened. If so, I'd might need to stay over Maddie's house or something, even though I feel like our friendship is over. Then I'd try my best to get to San Diego, I know someone who could let me live without worries. But how will I even go from the east coast in Maryland to the west? Maybe getting on the MARC train that passes through D.C.?

December 07, 2023

Either Friday afternoon or Saturday, me and my mom is gonna go to the mall to get me a new hoodie. Probably gonna buy it either from Hot Topic or Spencer's, only good stores there. School day was ordinary, I don't know which class I hate the most. Either Financial Literacy or Food and Nutrition.

December 04, 2023

Only good part of today was the afternoon nap that I take afterschool. Talked to my dad about transfering schools, I just don't like my school. Don't like the teachers there. Don't like the students there. I want to leave them all behind.

December 03, 2023

Didn't do jackshit for the past 2 days, yesterday I went to Wheaton, really only bought a pin from Spencer's and drank a mango monster I found outside. Today I helped out my dad with the breaks in his old truck.

December 01, 2023

Finally schools done. I'm not done with a shit ton of work, but I am.

November 30, 2023

Another boring day at school, after school when I went to cross the street, this psycho loser in a bright red Volkswagen that looked like the ones grandma's drive started yelling at me, I simply walked pass him. He pulled over, walked outta his car and started yelling at me. I simply shouted "Get a job", that must've pissed him off when I walked away after that. He followed me for a while and pulled up to me threatening me that he'll kill me with his gun, I don't see a gun, shoot me, you middle aged schizo. Doesn't he have anything better to do? After that shitshow, I went home to change outta my shitty school uniform. No one was home because mom and dad were fixing the car in Clinton so I went to Wheaton to ball in the mall. Bought 2 super cute Invader Zim socks from Hot Topic and a Costco hotdog since I only had 22 dollars, 20 being given to me by my grandma. :3

November 29, 2023

I want to transfer schools so badly. I don't like my current school, it's a run down, old, shitty, mismanaged, gross school. The people here look and act like assholes. (The people with Egdar cuts and those shitty coats IYKYK). The vending machines that aren't in the cafeteria don't work and havent worked for weeks, AND those machines have the ACTUAL GOOD SHIT!

November 26, 2023

Got bored and went to the Wheaton mall today. Only had 17 dollars so I didn't expect much, maybe some pins. Bought an Orange Dreamsicle monster because my breath smelled like shit. Went to Hot Topic and found this really cool shirt for 10 dollars then I went to buy a McChicken. Why is the fucking McChicken like THREE FUCKING DOLLARS!!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?! Grr...

November 25, 2023

Dude this car kicks ass and I can watch Madagascar while I'm drving! "What kind music do you like, Gloria?" "Hippo hop!" HA HA HA! Dude those animals are so fucking they make want to merge without looking!


November 24,2023

Thanksgiving was mid, chicken was okay, the russian beet salad was good. Helped my dad load his truck with fire wood today, he gave me 20 bucks and we went to KFC after. The KFC was better than the Thanksgiving food, Thanksgiving isn't what it used to be.

November 21, 2023

Nothing much today, it was rainy all fucking day, everytime I skip my last period IT ALWAYS FUCKING RAINS! I only skipped to go to the KFC but guess what!? IT'S NOT A FUCKING KFC NO MORE! IT'S A FUCKING TACO BELL! My fatass still ate that crap, it gave me a stomach ache. I missed the bus because I got into a rambling session with these 2 homeless guys. atleast they gave me some beer for the road. It was freezing and I was soaked from the rain, so I took refuge in the CVS. To not get kicked out for loitering in the CVS, I bought a chocolate bar and struck up a conversation with the security guard there. He wondered why he was there as a security guard and wasn't allowed to stop people from stealing. Company policy probably. He's just there to greet customers. He's a really chill guy. My mom and dad picked me up from the shitty dead shopping centre. Anything to miss out 4th period A days. Hate that class.

November 20, 2023

It's been an ok day. The most interesting thing today was baking Thanksgiving cupcakes in my Food and Nutrition class.

November 19, 2023

Helped my dad load the truck with firewood and sell it, we went to Kensington, D.C. and somewhere near home to drop them off. 4 barrels full of firewood for 80 bucks. Didn't each much today. I only ate 99 cent trail mix, a zero sugar monster and 2 pupusias for dinner. I'm still craving something like Chinese or some KFC. I might get some KFC tommmorow after school, only problem is that the bus stop that has the bus that goes near my apartment is far from the KFC, like the KFC to the school is a long walk but to the bus stop it's way longer. I don't care how long it'll take my fat ass wants fried chicken.

November 18, 2023

Went to Wheaton to get a birthday present for my friend. I got her some bracelets from Hot Topic and a penis lolipop from Spencer's. Took the metro to Silver Spring where we went to Dave and Busters to play silly arcade games. On the way to Dave and Busters I found a small bottle of Vodka, I'm gonna save that for a special day! After that we went to Chipotle and bought Boba tea. I don't get the hype over it, mines tasted kinda shitty. Tommorow I'll have to work with my dad since he gave me 20 bucks, he said it'll be easy! Hope it is.

November 17, 2023

Chill day, really. Just still finishing commissions. If only I didn't have this one fucking class on 4th period. Hate that fool.

November 14, 2023

Pretty easy day, finished a second commission today and the most work I did was for an assignment from my English teacher that was easy aswell. My second and third period teachers were'nt here so it was easy going for the whole day until my stomach started to hurt and I felt nausea. I stayed in the nurses office for a while, around 2 P.M. my grandma showed up to pick me up from school since mom's car was being fixed. Throughout the afternoon, my stomach ache and nausea turned into a fever. Hope I get over this fever soon along with my stomach pains. Somebody was inquiring about my commissions, specifically ones in the style of my previous comms so I had to tell him tommorow or the next day I will begin since this fever is way tooo much to deal with.

November 12, 2023

Another great 3 day weekend, the school district should go for the 4 school day week thing some schools are doing but the bastard running my shit school districts sucks ass so I don't know. So I recently finished a commission for someone on Instagram and from that someone else wanted a commission kinda like that so I'm working on that. Today I went to the Wheaton mall again, there wasn't much I could buy so I just bought food from the Costco foodcourt and a pin from Spencers. Beats going to school.

November 08, 2023

Had a major fucking headache so I left class to go home and threw myself onto my bed after taking some advil.

November 07, 2023

Today was an okay day, my math teacher wasn't here so chilled the whole hour and a half. My Latin teacher was just boring the class to death about imperial speaking or whatever, I didn't pay attention to it and instead I spent the class drawing a cool ass Japanese castle tower with a mountain in the background, love these line art pens that my friends bought for me from the 5 below. Baked chocolate chip cookies in my Food and Nutrition class and had fun with some random as people. We messed up the recipe slightly but the cookies still came out great! Today wasn't that bad.

November 03, 2023

Today soooo cool, man. So I went to the denist for my bi-yearly check up and they found a cavity starting to form so they gave me a lot of laughing gas right and I was on another world tripping balls as the dentists were making a cavity fill on my back left tooth. The laughing gas wore out after we went grociery shopping with mom. Played Minecraft when I got home and got a text from my friends to go to the mall, I was sort of pissed because I thought that they cancelled the plan to go to the mall on friday. Waited nearly an hour for the bus to come, in the span of 10 minutes, 4 buses that goes to Greenbelt passed and got me pissed. Once I got to the mall, we ate Chinese food and LEGALLY PURCHASED goods from stores like a LAW OBIDING CITIZEN.

So we hung out until like 6P.M. when it got dark out, thank God my mom isn't strict like this one kid's mom that doesn't even let him go to the store that's just a block away, that woman's raising a bitch. I found a boquette of roses at the metro station and we began to beat each other with it. I said goodbye to them once my bus came, I wish everyday was like this, I mean it kinda is... sometimes...

November 02, 2023

Another bland day. My guitar teacher couldn't fix it because my guitar was a strange guitar and he's probably more used to tuning and fixing acuostic ones. He told me if I bring it to shop they'll charge me like 20 bucks I guess. My parents are at the hospital because my sister was feeling pain in the area that she got her surgery so I took 5 bucks and went to the Dollar Tree since there wasn't really anything at home to eat.

November 01, 2023

Today was really fucking boring. Like there was nothing interesting today. Like genuinely the most interesting thing I did today was make a grilled cheese. Tommorow I'mma bring my guitar to school to get the strings fixed. I'mma also bring my mini amp and aux. Also I finished a little 4 panel comic today :3

October 31, 2023 - Halloween

This Halloween was dull. Nothing really notable going on, few people came in barely any costume. One guy pulled up to school in a cheap Ronald McDonald outfit so that was cool. Well atleast there was a fight afterschool, a boring one that was quickly stopped by the guards. Drew stuff for a while during and afterschool. Tired, man. I don't wanna go to school tommmorow or the next. My guitar strings came in and my guitar teacher is gonna put them in my guitar on Thursday. Went outside and no ones Trick-or-Treating, sad. We all gotta grow up some day.

October 30, 2023

Cool field trip, got to not go to my Latin class (I don't like the teacher, he's too fucking old.) so that was really the main reason I went. UMD looked really pretty, especially during Autumn, everything looks better in Autumn. I want the leafs on the trees to be a hue of yellow, orange, red, and brown forever. The dining hall had a bunch of resturants, me and my bestie got Chinese food! Might go to PGCC tho... or idk maybe I'll end up in UMD! It's really close to home so idk. We'll just see how my path goes. Hope I don't disappoint my parents. On the way back to school, my friend feel asleep on my shoulder so I couldn't play Minecraft or do stuff on my phone. Well I'm interested in art classes in UMD and there's a shit ton of clubs there, a furry club, a club that makes fake news articles and a "fart club". I am most interested in said "fart club".

October 29, 2023

Went to Wheaton today to see if the music store there was open but they're closed on sundays so I just ordered new strings for my guitar online. There was a lot of people dressed up in costumes in Wheaton today because there was a lot of cool events for the kids, the coolest costume was probably a guy in a beekeeper costume. Or maybe he was actually a beekeeper. You never know. Went to the mall just to be there, bought a rainbow flag pin and a VHS pin. Also I bought a Aggretsuko keychain and it looks really cute! Today was a good day :3

October 28, 2023

Saw the FNAF movie today in Greenbelt, it was really good! After the movie, I ate pizza. Pretty good day. Wonder what I'll do tommorow, maybe I'll go to this music store in Wheaton to buy a guitar pick and new strings.

October 27, 2023

Chill day I guess... finished the work for important classes, got like a 71 in financial literacy class, that class is boring as fuck so I don't really care about that shit. First quarter of the school years on the 2nd of November. I don't have to deal with my Latin teacher and my Food and Nutrition teacher because of the field trip so that's nice. I feel like it's just gonna be an old guy yapping about the university and it's history and shit like that. Going because I don't wanna be cramped up in that old ass school building for seven hours. My bestie is coming with me too, wonder what we'll eat. Well today at like 7 P.M. my friends wanted us to watch the new Five Nights At Freddy's movie but the problem is that they live around the school area and the school is like 3 miles away and on top of that the theater near the school. I was bummed out but my sister managed to convince mom and dad to let us go together to watch that movie tommorow like at 10:40 in the morning! Sweet!

October 26, 2023

On the 30th, there's gonna be a field trip to the Univerity of Maryland and me and my friends are going! Looks like I'm gonna use the /fieldtrip/ site again for photos of things or just stupid spam photos of my friends. Today was pretty chill, finished a commission for someone and working on another one. Worked with my mom this night because I wanted some extra money to eat something on the field trip

October 25, 2023

Nothing interesting happening, yesterday I skipped Latin class with a friend because we don't like the vibes there.

October 19, 2023

School was boring so me and 2 friends skipped 4th period, we went to the CVS and bought a white monster for me, a pepsi for Len, Pringles for Kali and a bag of sour patch kids to share. Then we walked to a playground nearby just to hang out. I love my friends they're soooooo cool and nice. When I got home my mom was mad that I skipped so I can take a shit because the school bathrooms didn't have doors, good paper, and people would just be in the bathroom to fuck around. But I did lose my little Hydragon plushie that was hanging onto my bookbag by a pin :( so that sucks. Thank God there isn't school tommorow.

October 17, 2023

Skipped 4th because I hate that old bitch's class and there was a sub, and I hated this sub teacher. Bought chips, monster java and some Aggretsuko pins from the 5 below.

October 14, 2023

Went to the buffet today with my entire family, found out I'm allergic to kiwis because my mom forced me to eat one to feel less full. Had to eat table salt to make it go away. My tongue started feeling like it was stung by a bee, then it made visible bumps and then my lips started to swell. Sucks ngl. Maybe it was because it was too sour? IDK?! Also we tried to find any clear backpack since mines is already falling apart but couldn't.

October 07, 2023

Haven't updated my website and blog in a while mostly because of things I've been doing and I haven't been working on the comic in a while too. Yesterday I skipped 4th period to go to the Wheaton mall because I was feeling like shit and bought a small little Oshawott plushie from GameStop, man those game stop employees was talking me into bbuying a premium rewards membership like holy shit it felt like a few minutes as gone by because of it like I just want a gosh darn plushie of an Oshawott. I choked on a Costco hotdog, I was expecting it to be pleasurable at least.

September 29, 2023

Guess who found 20 bucks in the school auditorium!!!!!!!!! ME!!!!! THE DAY IS MINE AND I RIGHTFULLY CONQUERED IT!!!!!!!!! It was really just another normal day, recorded a really embarrasing video for a school group project too! After school I searched all over town for a job, the cashier job at the Italian pizza place was already taken... and the Dollar Tree was only hiring people 18 or older. So I just decided to go eat at Taco Bell, this weird guy infront of me was staring at me... tommorow I'm gonna go to the Mall and see if jobs are open.

September 28, 2023

Painted my best friends nails black with a coating on top in the library, we were skipping third period again. Other than that she gave me pizza afterschool when she went to this JROTC meeting. HAWAIIAN RAHHHH!!!!! Other than that she walked me to my bus :3

September 25, 2023

Today I went to the mall and bought new green Chuck's, some new rollerball pens just because I wanted new pens for school and drawing and ate some mall pretzel dogs. At home I cut and repainted my nails black but I wanted to experiment so I painted them over with a purple so the result was a dark purple that you can only see as purple in direct light, I always manage to somewhat make my left nails look better than my right ones smh.

September 22, 2023

Another good friday! Chemistry class was easy, Gov class was simple, passed my guitar test witha 88%! Only problem is I kept playing the third fret with my middle finger instead of my fourth finger for the first dozen of notes and my fingernails are getting too long and they're kinda bad for playing the gutiar and it's gonna make playing chords hard. Gonna make them smaller again but i'll still paint them. After third period I skipped with my two friends. We went to the 7-Eleven and bought soda and chips, I bought 2 large pigs in the blanket hot dogs and they were sooooo good like I didn't expect 7-Eleven pigs in a blanket to be good. After that we hung out by the stairs near school and just sat down on the ground and talked about things, mostly about how shit our parents are (my parents are cool). My friend gave me a Hello Kitty sticker book and I took ALL the Pompompurin stickers because I LOVE POMPOMPURIN!!!! Covered my sketchbook in them and put three on my phone case. Today was great, man!

September 21, 2023

Woke up worried because every 21st of September for the past 2 years have been horrible, in 2021 I got into an embarrsing fight that people didn't stop talking about and made me lose a bunch of friends and in 2022 I got into a really bad break-up with my Ex and (no offense) got replaced by a really fucking ugly guy with a big ass head and always has his mouth open like come on bruh close yo mouth a fly gonna fly in there. But this 21st of Septemeber was good, nothing really special happened today. My first and third period teachers weren't here so it has been a pretty chill day, my best friend tried killing me all day and especially in third period. Went to the bank in the afternoon to deposit my birthday money, that's pretty much it for today. Tommorow at fourth period me, my best friend, and some of her friends are gonna skip school and do cool shit, thankfully my fourth period teacher won't be at school tommorow.

September 20, 2023 - Yebisu Birthday!

Today was my birthday! Spent most of the day chillin' and sleeping. Normal stuff. My friend (@volcano_milk on instagram go follow them NOW) drew me a birthday drawing! Also tommorow my friend is getting me something I don't know what it is so I hope it's cool.

September 19, 2023 - Meatball Quest

Nothing much happening at school, after school I headed to a bus stop near the shopping centre I hanged out in yesterday to take the 83 bus route. Waited an hour for the bus to arrive. The reason I wanted to take this bus that no one goes on is that I wanted to go to the Ikea in College Park to get some meatballs, haven't had them in a while. Came back home like around 5:30 p.m. because I had to get on another bus. My mom was kinda mad at me over the phone because I went to Ikea, I told her I went on the wrong bus again because there was a shortage of bus drivers. Tommorow she's gonna prepare them for me!

September 18, 2023

I was supposed to skip 4th period with a friend but she didn't show up. I smoked a Black Mild I found yesterday and ate some KFC out on an open field. Nothing much really, only skipped because I thought my friend was going with me too.

September 13, 2023

Nothing really notable today, just hanged out with a friend. Today was boring.

September 12, 2023

Felt like shit all day, atleast my friend gave me a Slipknot poster, too bad I can't put it in my room because I share my room with an old Christian lady. I wanna just spend all my life drawing, man. I changed my fursona to represent me more. My knee is slowly healing. I don't walk with a limp anymore. I hope there isnt mucj work tommorow.

September 11, 2023

My friend made me fuck up my knee when I was running away from her, she was trying to throw candy to stick onto my hair. We hanged out during some boring school assembly and lunch. Went on the wrong school buss so I ended up walking from uptown to downtown with a limp in my right leg.

September 06, 2023

Nothing much going on today at school, found a cute Pompompurin pouch near the cafeteria tho. Bought a Java Monster for tommorow from the gas station. My uncle gave me new AirPods he found at his job at a hotel, sick shit.

September 05, 2023

Weird day today, chugged a cheap energy drink and it didn't taste good, some girl in my first period overdosed and we had to stay in this one empty classroom in the basement until the paramedics and security brought her into an ambulance and shit. Didn't do jack shit in second period, some guy was watching porn on his phone next to me, hope he was ironically watching it, dorks. Clowning on my friend at lunch because she was wearing her siblings "Born to play Fortnite, forced to go to school" hoodie and ate cookies. Third period was ok I guess and fourth period sucked. My bus was overcrowded and left me so I had to go on a friends bus, thank god he lives close to my apartments. When I got home, my package arrived! It was a cool Um Jammer Lammy phone strap thingy. After that I played Gmod and had some fun. Weird day but in a good way.

September 04, 2023 - Labor Day

Spent Labor Day with my family, we went to Silver Spring for a minute to check out a job that my dad wanted to see, went to a resturant and got so full I had to take a walk around the block to cool it down and went to the beach in Stevensville. Got sand up my vagina (inside joke) and went to Rita's to get a Dr. Pepper Gelate, shits so good man. I don't want the weekend to end but here we are. Another day another night.

September 01, 2023

Oh man, I didn't get any sleep last night so I've been pretty slumpt all day. Even with 2 Monster energies in one day my mind was still in slow motion. First week of school's done and first day of September is here. Fuck... Man this asshole today while we were finishing up some icebreaker activity for first period, this asshole Ariel was talking shit about me, like am I that rent free in your head, bitch!? He be talking all that B.S. and when I confront his ass in the parking lot he runs for his mom shitty minivan. He's lucky I was sleepy all day and couldn't find his mom's shitty minivan. In the same first period the internet went out as usual because the school wifi is always shit so the teacher wanted one of us to sing infront of the class to entertain them while the internet was out and he chose ME! I was si nervous because I did not know what to sing, so I was scrolling through my spotify to try to find a song that isn't that hard to sing, I chose Right Through Your Teeth by Tokyo Rose, closed my eyes for the lyrics I know by heart and sometimes looking at my phone for some of the lyrics but got confused. Man that felt soooooooo embaressing, especially since that was an emo rock song. That asshole Ariel was recording it I think, hope it doesm't go around. On an unrelated note, my official Um Jammer Lammy phone strap is gonna come on the 7th. Bought it from the same guy who sold me the UJL pins a year ago. And my TF2 pins came in yesterday, they looked dope.

August 30, 2023

Nothing much's been going on, tommorow the schools gonna start introdcing metal detectors, problem is there's like 2,500 dumbasses in my school and I have like 30 pins on my bookbag. Like clear bookbags wasn't enough! Also not a big fan of B days.

August 28, 2023 - First day of Sophomore year

Atleast some of my friends recognized me. Mostly kept to myself, the teachers seem to be nice. Didn't eat lunch because I wasn't hungry and I forgot the lunch pin so I spent lunch break drawing in my sketchbook. Came home late, like at 4 PM. Stopped by the Dollar Tree to buy a root beer with the 2 dollars I have left in my bank account. My mom made me a sick ass burrito. Slept the minute I finished the burrito. A pretty good day.

August 27, 2023 - All good things must come to an end

Last day of summer break and a good one at that. I wish summer break never ended but here we are now. Atleast I made the last day a day to remember, I went to the Smithsonian Zoo in Washington D.C. not that far from my town. Saw a bunch of cute and weird animals like this-

Like look at this little goober! You can look at more of my ametur photos of the zoo on /fieldtrip/ (As in I really wanted to see a fennec fox and an aligator since you know ! My fursona's a fennec with a gator tail! The gator was cool and the fennec was sleeping. After we went to the zoo we went to the mall to eat pizza. Pretty cool day, don't wanna wake up tommorow!

August 25, 2023

Today was Orientation Day at school and my mom made me go because the email she got did not specify that it was only for NINTH GRADERS! I was soooo out of place. Dude there's this freshman with a FULL ASS BEARD!? And he was like super tall, what do they be feeding these freshmen!?!?!?!?! A chill teacher pulled me at the side to complement my nails that I painted black last night, I aked her if the Orientation was only for 9th graders and she told me yeah and that I could leave if I wanted to because there really wasn't nothing for me to do so I left and went near the gas station. Found a baggie of weed and 20 bucks. Took the 20 and left the gas station weed for a gas station tweaker to smell out and take it. Ordered some cool shit on eBay that's gonna arrive like on the 5th of September max. One order maybe longer because it's coming from Nagasaki but I paid like 25 on shipping so I guess it'll be express. only 2 more days of Summer vacation until I gotta do the repetitive rat race all over again.

August 22, 2023

Have been staying up late and sleeping until 1 in the afternoon. Just been trying to juice the last few days until school starts, only 6 more days until school starts. Finished Change 02 of the webcomic and started doing the 44th panel so that's nice. Went to Burger King today and held the door for an elderly couple and they paid for my meal so that's cool. I don't want the summer to end :(

August 14, 2023

I sold my old Nintendo Switch than I've grown out of and haven't used in a while and bought a BEAST laptop! A Dell Precision M4800! 16 gigabites of DDR3 ram, an old i7 chip, 500 gigabite drive and a Nvidia Quadro K2100M! A little overkill just to play TF2 but hey! Now I can run newer games! I think I should give Postal 4 a try on this machine! :3

August 13, 2023 - Beach Episode 2

My whole family, except grandma, went on an unplanned beach trip today! We ate some pizza and bought stuff for later at the 7-11. Me and my little sister took revenge on the jellyfish by throwing them into the beach grass where no one goes in.

August 06, 2023 - Beach Episode

Went to the beach on the other side of Sandy Point in Stevensville. I can't decide which beach I like better, Sandy Point or the one in Stevensville? At Sandy Point there's a food shop and there is no jellyfish in the water but it doesn't have the uniqueness of the one my family's always gone to. The one we've always been to has deeper waters and a cute little bridge where crabs are under it and the water's warm from the shallow water near the river connecting to the bay, but it has a SHIT TON of jellyfish from HELL!!!! I was stung a bunch of times! Atleast I bought a really cute small fox plushie from a bait shop nearby.

August 05, 2023 - Work Day

Went to work with my dad until 1 in the afternoon. Didn't plan to go today but he needed my help so I went to one of his jobsites and helped him get branches and logs into the chipper and the truck. I was kinda dizzy and nauseous during my time working, I don't know why.

At around 1 P.M. my mom and my sister came by the place we were working to drop off food for me, my dad, and the other two people he was working with. My mom brought me home because the job was pretty much done and all that I could help out on is already done, ate some pupusias and feel asleep until I heard my grandma come home and she brought a turtle, more specifically, a pet turtle that she's gonna take care of for a while until the friend, it's owner, comes back from vacation in El Salvador. We fed it some corn, lettuce and tomato!

August 04, 2023 - Computer Lust

Had the idea of turning an old shitty Mid-2009 MacBook Pro into my gamer computer (even tho Mac sucks for gaming) because my dad is probably not even gonna give me back my computer and I've been itching to play TF2 and all my other games. Casey ordered a new 320 Gigabyte hard drive with Mac OS 10.11, the newest version that can run on my 14 year old Mac and the oldest version supported by Steam, for like 29 bucks. I ordered two 4 Gig ram sticks for this old thing, the highest it can go. Wonder what I'm gonna do about it heating up and it's battery. I'll just keep on charge cuz I wanna play on the bed. Maybe Imma have like an ice pack under the MacBook. My sister still has those reusable ice packs from her surgery. Also I'm gonna mail Casey my old sketch book from early 2022 as a thank you for buying me the hard drive. Hope the repair I'll do goes well when all my parts come in!

August 01, 2023

Jesus Fucking Christ how is it August already!? I don't want summer to end I hate everyone at school! Atleast today me and my dad did fuck all and drove around Mount Vermon trying to find a job, the one thing that connects us the best is the rock and punk music that plays on the radio. We both sang together when Sum 41 and Blink-182 played on the radio. We went to a Chinese carry out and bought food, oddly the Chinese resturant was right next to an animal hospital, not pointing anything out or anything. Just a funny coincidence. After eating the Chinese food at home mom and little sis came along and we went to the park and ate ice creams, fun day! :3 Also tomorrow we're going to the beach again!

July 31, 2023

Wandered for 4 hours and reached Bladensburg and walked all the way back home, I was so thristy that I drank from the river. The river was crystal clear so it's probably fine to drink from.

July 29, 2023

Went to the beach today, the beach that my family never goes to that's on the other side of the shitty beach we always go to. Sandy Point was cool even though the beach that we normally go to doesn't have a limit to how far you can go in the water.

July 28, 2023

I went to the Wheaton mall to find a hoodie for school next year, I didn't buy one there but I did buy a 3XL hoodie with the Lammy poofie design on it for an overpriced Redbubble. At the mall I bought a purple emo belt that fit me perfectly and a shrek pin because it was in Clearence with the belt for a buck. I thought that this one Deftones sweater was on clearence too because it was right next to the corner with the clearence section is. I also didn't eat breakfast and I really didn't have much money at that moment so I bought the $1.50 hotdog and soda combo at the Costco food court. It was hot as fuck today.

July 26, 2023

Today I went to work with my dad and the guy that helps him in his landscaping job. A little trimming and taking out an old dead dry tree for this super nice lady. This lady gave up soda and chocolate bars, after working she gave me and my dad's friend 20 bucks! She gave me a super old looking 20 bill which I thought was cool since it looked brand new. My dad gave me 40 bucks for the work I did, cool. Now I wanna buy this sick ass Deltarune shirt of of Fangamer for 32 bucks, really fucking expenive. Atleast it comes with a Susie pin, more pins for my backpack! I have like over 20 pins and other stuff dangling from it. Bad news, my shitty school might make us use transparent plastic crappy backpacks, but that's way too extreme for this shithole.

JULY 23, 2023

FOR THE PAST FUCKING MONTHS MY MOM, DAD, AND GRANDMA HAS BEEN FUCKING BUGGING ME ABOUT HAVING MY HAIR LONG AND HAVING MY HAIR COVER MY FACE!!!!!!!! I CAN'T TAKE THIS SHIT!!! TODAY I WAS JUST HAVING A GOOD DAY UNTIL I WALKED INTO MY PARENTS ROOM AND THEY STARTED DRONING ABOUT MY HAIR LIKE LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!! its just hair mind you own buissness. people have different tastes in style.. i like my long hair and you like your ugly hair. just leave me alone. i regret even waking up today.

June 15, 2023

On the last day of school, I went to the Wheaton mall and bought some pins from Spencer's and went to a burger resturant owned by a friend's dad. Ate a breakfast burger and a hashbrown, It was good but expensive. Smoked a cigarette I found near the Metro Station, it was nice. Yesterday I went to convert all my coins into cash. First I went to the Coin Converter downtown, it was full. I went to the one uptown near the bus station, it was full. So I waited for a bus to Hyattsville, near the Hyattsville metro station there was a Giant with a coin converter. As expected, it didn't work so I hopped on a metro train to the West Hyattsville metro station because near the station there is the Megamart that my mom always buys the grocires at. On my way to the megamart, I found a 5 dollar bill! Lucky Yebisu! Cashed in all my coins for 19 bucks, impressive for a bag of pennies and nickles. Then I caught a bus to the bank to deposit all the cash I had on me. Spent half of it on Lunch. Somehow the guy running the cashier at WingStop spelled my name, Daniel, as "Denial". Is this a sign? So today, I went to the Wheaton mall because I got bored. Bought a bunch of pins since I had a $5 Hot Topic credit on my account and pins are 2 bucks each at both Hot Topic and Spencer's. Got 7 pins in total and bought a Monster. An Orange Creamsicle flavored Monster, HOLY CRAP THAT TASTED SO GOOOOOOOD!!!! Wish that there were some of those near where I live.

June 12, 2023 - An end that starts a begining.

Skipped school today and not returning until the next school year. Smoked a durry this morning and drank a Rockstar energy. First and second period was boring so I left school and went on the bus, wanted to go off to Wheaton by taking the R2 to the Z6(?) and then ride it until the C2 or C4 bus stop near Four Corners but I saw a group of guys from school that I'm kinda friends with. They said I was high but I'm just probably autistic. Decided to join them, we stopped at the shopping centre with a Target. We really just fucked around, drank another Rockstar and the others got a Mountain Dew, Monster and a Prime (nasty). When we rode back to school on the bus, they all decided to back to the school. Honestly that has to be the most stupid decision I have ever heard in my fucking life, firstly, your skipping class and you wanna go back to class, secondly, one of you is being hunted down by security for "breaking" an already broken locker, and thirdly, there is literally NOTHING to do in school for today and tommorow. I spent a while wandering in the nearby forest and laying down on the grass infront of the small shopping corner near the gas station. Decided to go to the bus stop to catch a ride home, the guys I was hanging out with 2 hours ago came to the bus stop freaking out because some PG state security or whatever were after them. We stopped at the Walgreens near the Popeyes for some reason, we entered teh Walgreens and bought 2 litters of some shitty Sprite ripoff and went back to the bus stop. After a while of waiting, this white pickup truck with piss yellow lights on the roof stopped on the other side of the road of the bus stop. The loser in the truck was writing something down and talking to a phone or walkie-talkie or something. We quickly went off from the bus stop. We walked so much, had to walk them to their apartments because they were scared or whatever. Walked more to my apartments, saw my dad near the bus station uptown. He told me that he is going to the Children's hospitial to visit my little sister and deliver food to my mom there I guess, on friday my little sister's appendix I think got infected and made her sick for the previous week or so. They did surgery on her at the Children's Hospital in D.C. Man I hate how I can't visit her because of their shitty policy that you can only visit patients if you are 18+, like bro I haven't seen her in 3 days. I may not show it but I be worried about her and last night I barely got any sleep from worring a lot. On my way back home, I stopped by a Chinese resturant to get me an eggroll and shrimp fried rice. That rice and eggroll were very good. Home girl FILLED my container. Maybe tomorrow I will go to Wheaton in the afternoon, you never know.

June 08, 2023 - Starry Child

Got into vandalism again, started tagging things around the school just because I got bored. Did a weird commission for $1o to buy spray paint and an oil pen. I need an I.D. to buy the fucking paint, this is AIDs. So I just bought the shitty white Sharpie oil pen. It gets the job done I guess. Tagged stuff along my way home. It was fun drawing on stuff! Around the local park, I found an abandoned Razer Scooter an rode it all the way home and gave it to my little sister for 5 bucks since she's always wanted one. I fell while riding the scooter and one of the 2 cans of Monster exploded and I had to beer chug it to not let it go to waste. All my vandalism is on full display on @starry.child on instagram if you wanna check it out. Today was good I guess.

June 07, 2023

Didn't want to bother dealing with my annoying health teacher today so I pretended to be sick. I didn't want to leave my bed this morning, it was too warm and soft and comfy. Rather miss an uneventful day of school than leave my bed.

June 05, 2023 - Feeling like a New American Saint

Today was a really good for a Monday! A B-day at that! Had a substitute teacher for third period so I snuck out of school during lunch time out the door leading to the parking lot. Spend most of my time in the small shopping centre and wandering around that area. Smoked 2 half smoked ciggarettes outside a Chinese resturant, vandalized 2 "For lease" signs for some millionares building, drank some Mug Root beer that I bought for like 3 bucks at the KFC and walked in this open field outside of this Frutiger Aero looking building. It was always empty, I wonder why there's all these "professional" buildings in this area, not a very smart plan having it near a slowly dying shopping centre.

When the clock turned 2, I walked back to school to wait for the metro bus to pick me up today since my mom was sick. Since I kinda smelled like ciggies, I decided that I should wait and go to the thrift store while the smell faded away. Bought a cool blank book that I plan to use as a sketchbook one day, as I walked out the thrift store, I was this life size dog plush on the curb to be donated to the store, as I walked passed it I thought that it was a cute plush. Then a minute later I walked back to the curb to "take" it. I wouldn't say steal because it didn't have a price tag and it was outside the store and no one was looking; so I ran off with my new best friend!

Then, I walked to the convenience store near the thrift store and bought an Arizona with my left over dollar and pocket change from the 9 dollars that my dad let me borrow this morning for a Rockstar energy at the gas station near my school, everyone at the store was looking at me and my new doggy and making jokes about it. Since I was such in a good mood, I didn't let those jokes get to my head, hell I forgot what they even said! Such an amazing day, probably have to avoid that thrift store for a little while now, DERP :3!

May 29, 2023 - independence day or some shit idk

Went to the mall with some guy that I just met that commisioned me for 2 pieces, he seems chill and shit. He's gonna go to the Univerity near my town, cool.

May 28, 2023

Nothing really going on, got like 5 more days of school so thats great, hopefully don't have to repeat a grade again. Went to the PG mall today, that mall really has nothing really notable in it nowadays, I feel like it's gonna die in a decade or so. As I was walking looking at the ground for barely smoked cigarettes, I found a pretty nice Lemon Mint Elfbar. My lucky day, eh? I've been eyeing this Tokyo Rose New American Saint poster on eBay and ordered it a while ago, I'm definiaty their biggest fan.

May 24, 2023

Found my old disposable vape without battery so I decided to experiment with it by opening it and cutting and andriod charger cable to get the copper wiring and contecting it to the battery contacts. I used a charger that really didn't work so I only got a few puffs out of it. Texted this guy who be selling that shit and he hasn't responded yet. Whatever.

May 14, 2023 - - - do you ever ask yourself if you are real?

My dad give me 20 bucks to go spend later. When to the thrift store again but there was nothing interesting there. Mainly just fucked around with my little sister in the store. Found a cute pink little trinket box and a cool old pin to put on my backpack, put them in my front pocket and stole it. After that, I went to the bus station to take a bus to Wheaton to go to the Hot Topic and buy some cool shit. Bought a shirt and a pin. Went to the park because my mom was invited to a birthday party and I didn't have the keys to my home. It was a pretty good day. I still have my black nail polish in my bookbag so I'mma put them on my nails in the morning at school and wear my new shirt to school with my purple plaid. Gonna hide my clothes under my normal sweater and gonna hide my nails from my parents. If only they understood... whatever.

May 13, 2023

When I woke up, my mom told me to sit down at the table because she wanted to cut off my precious nails and take of my nail polish because it was "inncorrect". All this time I thought she was supportive, I relented but she forced me to do it. My fingers and nails look TOTALLY HIDIOUS NOW! Atleast she save me 50 bucks to go spend at the thift store... founda cute Ikea Blahaj shark plushie for 5 bucks. Still kinda mad because my mom doesn't like that I like nail polish...

May 12, 2023

Had a breakdown this morning, I just felt like today was gonna be horrible, it was. Cried during that stupid state test too, who wouldn't? It was ok until 4th period, had to sit with these assholes who made fun of me just because I was gay, a furry, painted nails and shit like that. I just want to chop their fucking head off with an axe and put their heads on spears and put the spears facing their houses. And one of was this fat fucking loser that always harrased me last year because of the 09/21/21 incident at my school. I have been dealing with this bullshit for 2 school years. Next time this asshole catches me on a bad mood, spitting on my palms and giving that bastard a slap. I couldn't stand these dicks so I left before the bell and walked to the empty auditorium where I waited a while until until the school student proformances started. The start where one of the IT guys start singing an anime theme was cringe, the shitty Power Ranger play, the super cool rock band that a guy I know started, some gay fashon show, and dancing which ws just girls shaking their ass on stage. I guess it was great. After that, I went to the school fair that was in the parking lot. Long story short left my friend group behind because 1. I got lost in the crowd, 2. They didn't look for me, 3. my other friend group was joined by my ex-friend who's a total asshole. So I went out to see if there was anyone else I knew, saw this one girl I was like kinda friends with because I talked to her like 1 or 2 times in a class and asked her if I could join her friends because I was alone, they said yes. So cool, dude. They asked if I could hang out after the fair, too bad my mom came to pick me up, sometimes I wish she'd left me to my own sometimes. Didn't even give them my insta to get in touch. Had to wait until some dumbass came and left with their car because they parked wrong. God today wasn't the best.

May 09, 2023

I kinda gave up on school, Grades looking... ok. I'll probably pass, I had honor roll for first, second and maybe third quarter. On friday afternoon afterschool, a band some kid and his uncle started is playing in the Auditorium at 2:30, around 5 minutes after the bell, heard of VOLU's music, sounds pretty cool. Next year I'm going to a guitar class at school so maybe I'll start my own band! I got my dad's old electric guitar he doesn't use so I already got some things to start off.

May 04, 2023 (Broke my fast)

I feel sooooo terrible that I broke my hunger strike today, it wwas just that I was all stressed out and shit from the test I took today and the fact that only parents at a PTA meeting can change the Dress Code I'm fighting against. Man I got 150 signatures on my little petition that I made with some friends. We even tagged some vending machines with blank name labels with the SLF emblem and name. Wonder if I could manage to arrange a PTA confrence and convince stubbern parents into changing their minds about the uniform policy. My fat ass ate the whole package of pizza rolls, half a bag of leftover chips and burned my mouth with spicy noodles. Atleast my copy of Pokemon Diamond arrived today! Too bad I got a muscle cramp on my left calve and was in too much pain to play it. Too bad I have not turned in 10 assignments for my English class, 5 for my science class, like 3 for History, and a few for my Computer Science class. Big ass math test and other tests later in this month. Checked out the drama club afterschool just to see what's up with it, seemed kinda interesting but IDK.

May 03, 2023 (Day One of hunger strike)

Due to last Friday's little situation, I have decided to start a little movement I named "The Spiritual Liberation Front" to protest against the school's and school district's dress code policy.

The official SLF Neocities site that I made is right here, dude!

I created an online petition on abolishing the dress code and a pysicial clipboard petition to ask people at school to sign it. I shall tell the school administration that I have started my hunger strike. I have even created an Instagram page on my cause (@spiritualliberationfront). I shall allow myself to drink while on hunger strike so I don't collapse of dehydration. I gotta fill my notepad attached to my clipboard full of signatures and appeal to the administrators. My family thinks that I am crazy, I'm just a little revolutionary, that's what. *sigh* Tomorrow's MISA testing day, God damn it.

April 28, 2023

Nails painted piss poorly because the nail polish companies always make it so you can barely get the leftover bottom half of the fucking nail polish on the fucking brush. I feel like utter shit. The agonizing that I stepped on school property, I felt agrovated. Some bitch made me do some stupid interview or something when I was walking to the main door. I would give you my fucking HAHAHA FUNI HAHAHA response but I'm not feeling it today, sorry not sorry. Walked past my "friends" since I'm only a fucking background character to them. NOT A SINGLE "hi" or a FUCKING "hey"! Don't need them anyways. Probably gonna be moody all day.

8:12 A.M.

Decided to leave and skip school since my history teacher was bitching about me not wearing my "school uniform", like dude it's fucking friday, CUT ME SOME FUCKING SLACK YOU MISERABLE LOAD OF SHIT! He told me to grab my stuff and go to the Administrator's office. HE CAN GO SUCK A DICK!!! FULL BBC LOCKDOWN! I walked outta that stupid fucking classroom, outta that stupid fucking school, in the righteous fucking rain, and down to the fucking shopping centre. Finally feel my stress and agrovation go with the rain but the rain wouldn't go away, it was raining the whole fucking day, man. In the shopping centre, I met a man lost in the same miserable world that I was lost in too. He was smoking cigarette butts from the old ash tray. He asked me for some change, I gave him about a dollar in change. We chatted for a while. He told me that his family turned against him, he attends church every sunday and still his family rejects him, he's trapped in a dope slinging circle north of the soping centre. He's been looking for a job for a while now. He was short of 50 cents to buy some Black Milds, so I gave him the remaining 5 dollars I had, in hinesight... wasn't the best idea since we were right infront of a CVS and I could've easily walked in there and asked for ones for a five. Yet my heart and soul is surrounded by rusty and sharp barbed and razored wire, deep within my heart is of solid gold and my soul is of the purest of silver, or atleast that is what people who really know me say. I yearn for a brighter tomorrow, yet that never comes. When he went off to the gas station to buy his Black Milds, he told me his name, Jerome, Jerome asked me for my name. I told him my name. As he went off, he told me that he'll be around so he'll holla at me later. His story brought me a cold feeling of melancholy and lachrymose, I am not afraid to say that I cried after he left, crying and looking at the gray rainy clouds. God speed, Jerome. Godspeed.

9:30 P.M.

As a lady in a walker came out of the liquor store that I was sitting around, she said hi, she came up to me and sat down on her walker and asked if I smoke. I said that I didn't smoke and she offered me a cigarette. It was a cigarette from a Dominician brand I've never heard of, smoked with her for a while and chatted. She told me that she was an ex-marine but decided that the military complex wasn't for her so she got in an accident on purpose in New York in 2013. She started smoking at the age of 9. She told me that I am like a natural smoker, well I did vape a while back and recently started vaping every afternoon while waiting for my mom with my ex-girlfriend, she handed me my final cigarette and exchanged names and said our goodbyes when her taxi came to pick her up. God speed, Elizabith. Thanks for the cigarettes and the chat, I was feeling super lonely, humans are naturally social creatures. God speed.

11:42 P.M.

After an unsuccessful attempt at going back inside of the school, I went to the bus stopand since it was STILL RAINING, I got completely SOAKED.I found a bouquet of old flowers, possibly a sad story told in it. I tried to use it as an umbrella. Unsuprisingly it did not work out as I wanted it to. I just looked incredibly retarded or on drugs with a bouquet of flowers on my head. This could've been all avoided if that asshole teacher of mine just shut up about me wearing a plain white tee and a plaid purple outter shirt. Fuck. At the bus stop, I built up the courage of asking some other people in their friend group on where they were going since they wanted someone else going with them but were to chicken on skipping. Schools for chumps anyways. They told me that they were going to the Target up in Calverton, asked them if I can join them and made 3 friends I guess. They invited me to some McDonalds, I just meet them and they are giving me food!? Maybe there's still good in this world after all. After going to Target, we parted ways and I went back to school on foot since my mom was gonna pick me up like usual and I didn't want to be soaking wet. God speed, New friends. When my mom picked me up, I told her that I was chasing a friend in the bus lot and I fell flat on my face. Thank God she believed me or this day would've been completely miserable. Too bad my books and little diary got wet, so did my favorite furry hat.

April 27, 2023

I don't know what to make of this week. My first period Latin class teacher wasn't there so we had to go to another class full of dumbasses (like 10th graders that didn't know jack shit about WW1, not even what countries participated.) Went to second period, you already know how much I hate that shitshow of a class. My third period science teacher wasn't here so we had to go to the auditorium, saw Johnthan with this silent girl from my science class that my asshole friend group sometimes makes jokes about because she looks transgender (guys are kinda like that yuo kno), turns out she's Johnathan's girlfriend! Oh yeah she's cool, never got her name tho, thied wheeled the couple that period I guess. Didn't do jackshit all day but I felt burnt out and stressed. It's just that I don't know and have the confedince to ask out a guy I really like. While I was vent about this problem with my ex-girlfriend, we vaped together to calm our stresses.

April 21, 2023

What a great day! Mostly because schools out today because it's like the last day of Ramadan or something, I don't really keep up with things. The airpods I ordered arrived yesterday so thats cool and my copy of Pokemon Diamond just shipped, hope it arrives fast! Today I went working with my dad near the place where he parks his trucks. Helped him get a big fallen tree branch out of a yard and got 20 bucks out of it since it wasn't a very big job and we did it like in 3 hours. So when I got home, I went to the bus stop to go to Wheaton to walk around the mall and buy stuff. Bought 2 shirts that were on clerence at Hot Topic and a costco hotdog. Such a cool day :3

April 16, 2023

Went to work with my dad, helped him somewhat since my uncle did most of the hard complex stuff. I was just there essentially. Got paid 50 bucks plus 30 that he gave me because he was giving my little sister 30 bucks too for the book fair. She'll probably just look at the book for a few days and forget about it completely.

April 12, 2023

The field trip was great! Since today was a B-day, I didn't have to deal with my health teacher today! We went to the Smithsonian African-American history museum, the American history museum, that big ass needle on a hill and the front of the White House! A lot of walking too. Spent 8 bucks on a Barack Obama finger puppet at the Smithsonian gift shop, I regret nothing. Since my mom wasn't gonna pick me up, I took Maddie's bus and stayed over at her house until her grandpa dropped me off home. You can find photos of the fieldtrip on /fieldtrip/.


April 11, 2023

What a fucking day! Wore my silly fox hat to school and I haven't even stepped foot in the building and I hear someone talking shit about my hat, it was my ex-friend. She was talking about how gay I was to one of her stupid friends and she even called me some slurs that are just distasteful to say the least. I can't believe I used to be friends with her for a short period of time, she started to harass me about me being gay and a furry when she found out what I was. That is pretty much most of my old friends reaction when I came outt, never talked to them since, only like one that's in my class. Everybody was side eyeing me the whole day, one guy dabed me up out of nowhere and said that I look like I watch furry porn, and on my way back to class from lunch some girls were talking about it. Eh, whatever! Let them stare I don't give a shit about social norms!

April 10, 2023

Today I went to work with my dad in this town north of Baltimore and cut down 5 small pine trees. My dad didn't tell me that we were gonna cut down PINE TREES! These trees were covered in sap so I kinda messed up my sweater. Hope it comes of in the laundry. Now I'm out of debt with my dad. After that, we went home to leave the chainsaws and stuff and go with the family to the mall to get pizza and eat ice cream. I got rocky road. Also my hat came in the mail, I'm probably show it off in /coolstuff/ in my site. Probably gonna get laughed at in school when I wear it tommorow.

April 06, 2023

For the past week, I've been sleeping and doing jack shit. I went to the Wheaton mall because I was bored. Went to Hot Topic and bought a t-shirt for 10 dollarsand bought like 3 pins. Somehow my mom knew where I was. Weird. I'm going back to school on the 11th and the field trip to D.C. is on the 12th. Cool shit!

March 30, 2023

I swear the little sleep that I get is fucking me up. I keep writing "2023" as "2022" even though its about to be the 4th month of this year. Today was OK compaired to most days. I can finally sleep easy that I'm gonna have a whole week out of school and not needing to wake up at 5 in the morning!

March 25, 2023

Ever since I found that Do-It-Yourself DOAWK book, I've been writing in it instead of my blog. I think it's a cute thing to write in. Mostly because of the cool nostalgic aspect because I used to have one in 4th or 3rd grade that I would ACTUALLY write in unlike everyone else who would buy it and just do the first few activities in the book and donate it to the thrift store down the corner 7 years later after they found it under their bed or something. Anyways, since my shoe tore yesterday, my mom bought me new ones at the mall. Neat.

March 23, 2023

Suprisingly a good day. Didn't feel like shit today so that counts as a good day. Health class wasn't as shit as it normally is. Finished a commission for someone on Instagram, a ref sheet for 6 bucks. Began working on another drawing for myself out of boredom. Went to work with my mom today and found an old Diary of a Wimpy kid Do-It-Yourself book that some girl had in 2010. Of corse she did not write anything on the pages your meant to have a diary in. The book even included her full name and address. Couldn't finish writing this on the 23rd because I was so tired of work that I feel asleep.

March 21, 2023

Was kinda tired first period because I didn't get good sleep last night. Also this bitch ass health teacher took off points from my assignments because I got my headphones and my hat on. I'm starting to think this bitch wants me to fail this stupid fucking class. I fucking hate this bitch AND SHE HAS THE FUCKING NERVE TO "TEACH" ABOUT STRESS AND DEPRESSION KNOWING DAMN WELL THAT SHE IS CAUSING THAT TO EVERYONE IN THIS SHIT CLASS!! The reasons why I got my headphones in all the time is that this bitch won't shut her fucking mouth always talking or bitching about something and I need to listen to music to consintrate on the shit I'm supposed to do. As if it even matters, I got a 65 percent in that dogshit class and its still a week until 3rd quarter ends. You know what, if me not passing this shit class prevents me from passing the grade, I'mma do something that the old me has been stockpiling at the back of my mind. This teacher pretty much fucked up the rest of my day. At lunch this asshole that always making fun of me for having my nails pinted and me for expressing myself came you to me to ridicule me for my spikey leather bracelets by mockingly sing that fucking emo song that goes something like "My life as been torn to pieces, this is my last resort". Why do the people that I sit with at lunch tolerate this shit from him? If he ever pulls that shit with me again I swear to God I'mma start throwing hands. Made potions, draw all over a textbook and make a mess with a friend in 4th period. That soothed me from the shit I had to put up with today.

March 20, 2023

Today was a bad day and I don't know why. I just hate school. Blah blah blah moody teen whining, isn't that this whole blog? From November to March, it's been that. Maddie finally came to school, we played like one or two rounds of Uno. I just didn't feel good that lunch. It's just another war going on in my head. A war to decide if today's gonna be a good day or another one of THOSE days. Gave Maddie the rest of the spikey cheap Chinese bracelets that didn't fit my big wrists. I still don't know why I'm like this. Maybe it's the little delema that I'm having. How am I going to confess my feelings to the guy I really like!? How awkward would it be since I SIT RIGHT NEXT TO HIM IN MY ART CLASS!!! I wonder if he even cares about me, he always spends his time in art class scrolling mindlessly on his phone. I still wonder how people have good reception on their phones in school, like how the fuck are you watching 4k video while a photo on my phone barely loads!? Hope tommorow isn't complete dog shit. Hope I don't see my reflection in the mirror this morning. On the bright side, the field trip to Washington D.C. is only 11 days from now!

March 19, 2023

Thank God my dad's truck could only carry 3 people because I don't like going to work with him on his tree cutting job. I feel so out of place there. So instead I went to work with my mom which I prefer more because I don't like waking up at fucking 4 A.M. and work my ass off in the freezing cold. I bought a CD player yesterday to play my Tokyo Rose CDs on the go. I hope my hats gonna come soon that I bought off Pawstar. The hat and the cute rainbow tail keychain charm were like 50 bucks plus 9 for shipping and I think they'll charge me for the extra size and the pins and crap that I wanted on the hat so I gotta restrain on wasting the last 13 dollars on my debit card. God I don't want to go to school tommarow. Each day is the same repetitive shit. I'm way too tired of this shit.

March 13, 2023

It was an OK day. My bestie is probably not coming to school this week because her mom is over reacting and reading a thermometer wrong. So I just have to find out how to not bore myself to death this week. I tried to say hi to the other guys in the group but they either ignored me or didn't hear my voice. GOD DAMN IT I HATE THESE FUCKING PEOPLE! EVERYWHERE I FUCKING LOOK IS SOMEONE NEW THAT I COULDN'T GIVE ONE MICROSCOPIC FUCK ABOUT!!! LIKE WHO ARE THESE GENERIC FUCKING PEOPLE!!! ITS LIKE THEY JUST SPAWN IN OUT OF NO WHERE! The only company I got is from a mouse I caught trying to run down the stairs. And this is a REAL STORY! I caught a mouse by its tail with my shoe on the third floor stairwell. I showed it off to Michael when we were coming up with ideas on what to do with it. So we decided that we should show our history teacher since we kinda don't like him but he only opens the door until like 7:30 so we tried to sneak it in under his door but the annoying teacher next door to the class that my history teacher is probably having an affair with shreked and cried out for my teacher so I slammed the mouse against the air conditioner machine right next to the door until it bled and died. I didn't really feel anything when I slammed it multiple times on a steel frame until it bleed and died on the spot. I just walked to my class as if nothing happened. I overheard that bitch say I have some issues like say it to my face and see if I have issues. Right through your teeth. Today was just bland for the rest of the day. Just teacher's telling the same old stories and hiding behind their eyes.

March 12, 2023

Worked my ass off this weekend. Helped my dad cut down 2 trees yesterday with 3 other guys there. Felt like I was going crazy on the way home without my music because my battery died. Had to hear my dad's ramblings with a friend all the way from D.C. to Virginia to Maryland. On sunday I went to Virginia with my family to pay one of dad's workers and to eat. We ate at this Chinese buffet nearby. There wasn't anything really Chinese about it other that the workers and some spring rolls and fried rice. After that I went to work with my mom. I went to the Wheaton mall when my mom was working to go to Hot Topic because I wanted to see what cool crap they had today. Bought a cute shirt of those foxes with lots of tails drinking out a juice box and a random pin. God I'm so exhausted from this week, hope tomorrow won't be shit. Also I helped Maddie get her website up and running. Go check it out if your interested!

Besties (Maddie's) neocities website! CLICK HERE

March 10, 2023

Nothing much today. Tmr I gotta work with my dad in Washington. Were gonna cut some Pine trees I guess.

March 09, 2023

Had a breakdown this morning. A friend of mines, Michael talked me out of it. Didn't want to talk to anyone all day. I have too much stuff to worry about like how am I gonna come out to my parents, my grades, shit like that. My bitch second period health teacher was here AND HOLY FUCK I WANTED TO JUMP OUT THE FUCKING WINDOW!! I wish her health problems take her out soon. Sat alone in the corner floor near the vending machines and eat the biscuits Maddie made yesterday. A guy walked up to me and told me if I were to shoot up the school to spare him. I found it funny because he seems kinda serious about it. After school I bought a large can of Monster energy and me and my mom got in a big arguement and I told her that I was this close to leaving everything behind me and I locked myself in my room until I calmed down and went out to apoligize to my mom and eat some chicken. Pretty shit day.

March 8, 2023

After begging my mom to let me hangout with Maddie at her house, I went off to school and school was fucking boring. Rode Maddie's bus to her place and we baked Red Lobster biscuits. Well... not we... She did all the work while I ate pizza and half a giant bag of Goldfish crackers. They came out pretty good. After that her mom yelled at her for not cleaning the pan properly :.3 After that we played uno and went outside to jump on the trampoline and mess around. Then her mom called us in for dinner. Her grand dad made chicken and mashed potatos along with some corn and baked beans. That's shit was so fucking good.

March 6, 2023

What an amazing long weekend! Went to the mall with my family on saturday and ate Chinese food and bought a copy of Minecraft. It feels nostalgic to play Minecraft on my TV again. I remember my grandma buying me an Xbox 360 and a copy of Minecraft for my 8th birthday. I played the shit out that game along with Farming Simulator 2013. The things I'd do to go back and feel that sense of innocence and happiness. On Sunday I didn't do much other than play Minecraft and Roblox with my bestie. Too bad Roblox sucks for my phone and my internet sucks. On Monday I got bored and decided to head to my besties house in College Park. It was almost 3 miles away from my apartment on foot. I didn't have a ride there so I walked for an hour until I reached her house and sat down on a rail from the exhausting walk and fell over onto some spikey vines and old leaves and I was just there tired and almost took a nap until I heard my friend and her mom close by and jumped out and said hi. I introduced myself to Maddie's mom and grand dad. I ate dinner over Maddie's house. Her house looks like the Undertale house. It just seems so familiar, it's like a house yousee in your dreams. Ate a burger with Maddie's grand dad at the kitchen table watching the news on the little TV they got on the table. Went outside at night to jump on the trampoline with Maddie. Layed down and saw the stars and the UFO aliens above us on earth. Then my mom texted me telling me where am I and that I gotta get home so I asked her grand dad to take me home. My mom wasn't mad at me YAY !!!!! :DDD Also I think tomorrow I'm going to ask my mom if I could go over her house again after school! We forgot to bake the Red Lobster biscuits this night so we're gonna do it tomorrow! Also her boyfriend kinda doesn't like me hanging out with my bestie (what a controll freak In My Opinion) ! Also Maddie told her mom that I was gay and she's cool with it :DDDD !!! I wish I can just open up like that to my parents like that. But that's a story for another time!

March 3, 2023

After resisting the urge of breaking my laptop to bits for accidentilly closing the NeoCities html editor, I'm ready to start this long story!

I made a new Bestie! Her name is Maddie and she's like super fucking cool and we share like A LOT in common to the point that we're like twins! Met her a few days ago at the lunch table. We played Yu-Gi-Oh together the next A-day lunch, she said it was to confusing, I mean I don't blame her. I forgot to give her a basic deck and not a modern deck to play with. So the next A-Day which was today, we played Uno instead! I ate the instruction manual. Don't know why I did that but I did. After that we skipped the remaining 3rd and 4th period and went to the shopping center a mile away in Calverton. On the way there we talked like a lot, found a blueberry banana vape almost brand new, a cool rock and some wagie's Target ID. Since we didn't have money, we just walked around and played around the Target. I decided to eat one of the chocolate eggs that were on discount. Me and Maddie had a lot of fun but her boyfriend was pissed off like dude back off I'm kinda gay and not interested in a relationship right now! I waited of my mom to pick me up from school and when she did, she was acting all strange and suspecious. She was saying shit that I was skipping and I was all wet and crap like that. Hope my mom understands one day that school isn't everything and since you don't allow me to go far by myself, I would eventually break the rules and live free. And plus, I rarely see her, only in the mornings with her boyfriend and in A-Day lunches. My dad was too busy cleaning and trying to exterminate cockroaches in the kitchen so we went to McDonalds instead of eating at home! What a great fucking day! Hopefully there is no unforeseen consequences in the near future.

February 27, 2023

In the morning, it felt like it was gonna be another shit day but the complete opposite happened! I made a new friend at lunch! His name is Johnathan and he's a huge nerd (the good kind not those losers that are the teachers little bitch)! We texted each other last night and found out we were pretty alike and the conversation turned into us showing off our weird collections of stuff. I showed him my box full of Yu-Gi-Oh cards and decided to make a deck for him to play at lunch. It was a pretty simple Yugi deck, like early 2000s simple. I ran a dragon deck with Blue Eyes. Too bad lunch is so short, I was showing him how to play and its the first time I have played Yu-Gi-Oh with anybody since 2019. He was kicking my ass pretty badly too! I should give him a deck for him to keep. We agreed to play tomarrow morning at breakfast. I gotta show up early plus stop by the gas station to buy myself a Monster tomarrow. Also I changed our decks out! I'm still gonna run my dragon deck but with some modern cards from a structure deck box and made my friends deck have more of a theme. I went with a Spellcaster/Fiend deck with some magicians and Exodia. Wow we're such geeky nerds LoL. Atleast I have a friend that is into the weird nerdy crap I like. You rarely come across that!

February 26, 2023

If I'm going to be real with you, I don't wanna go on like this no more. Sometimes I feel like my mom and dad only care about me graduating high school. My mom managed to ruin the ride home from work bitching about ooh boo hoo I spent my life raising you why are you skipping classes ooh boo fucking hoo!!!! Stopped by the 7-11 to buy me a Monster and 2 cookies. On the walk from the parking lot to my dogshit apartment I digged through my stupid annoying to use pockets and I didn't find my remaining 15 dollars so I punched the support beam of the upper balcony and tore a bit of my skin. The fucking money was on the car seat but I forgot about it because I was so focused on ignoring my mom's stupid rant about my not going to school and shit like I genuinely DONT FUCKING CARE ABOUT SCHOOL IT'S FULL OF FUCKING ASSHOLES ANYWAYS! If I repeat this stupid school year I'm just gonna become a vagabond. Hit the railcars and explore this earth while I can. I don't wanna spend my years of youth waging my check to pay shitty bills to some greedy fucking corporation and greedy landowners. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT! And I know damn well schools gonna be shit because today was shit. Damn.

February 25, 2023

What a good day. In the morning, I went to the bank with my mom to get a bank account for me. My debit card should be arriving in like 2 weeks. After that, my mom bought me a 5 pack of stur fried noodle packs and a strawberry Monster which was pretty cool of her to do because my parents are always worried about me drinking that kind of stuff. At 5 P.M. I went to my friends birthday party, I was the only person from school there. Only family showed up. Played Smash Bros with some kids switch. Old mate let me drink some beer. Like almost 3 silo red cups. Brought me 2 dishes of carne asada and a slice of cake. Thank God my mom didn't smell my breath. But if she did, I would say that some beer feel on me when old mate gave me a hug when I was leaving.

February 23, 2023

Today I felt way to pressured and overwhelmed and stressed out. Not a very good day. Had my first breakdown in a while. I brokedown crying at lunch because I straight up didn't feel right. I don't know and still don't know why I cried. Atleast my bed is still waiting for me in my room along with my blanket and my melancholic music in my ears.

February 13, 2023

Today was total dogshit until I left to skip 4th period as usual to go to the Hot Topic in Wheaton again. Maybe I shouldn't skip next b day because he might get suspicious of my repeated absences in his class. I bought some cute arm warmers with the last of my money I had left after giving a homeless guy 2 dollars. I hopped on the wrong bus and waited until the right bus stopped by to pick me up. Lied to my mom about where I've been and told her that I was eating Chinese food with a friend at the Chinese resturant near the school and there was alot of traffic, shit exuses like that.

February 09, 2023

Today I just skipped out on 3rd and 4th period and layed down in the grass around some apartments and feel asleep. I did this too last B-day because my last class is so boring. I only skipped because I thought that my friend would join but she never showed up. She agreed to but didn't get the chance I guess. Haven't been to 4th period B day this whole week wonder when I missed. Prolly nothing important.

January 21, 2023

Hey! Didn't have a breakdown in school for the past 2 weeks. That's a record! Nothing really much up with school apart from second semester starting on Tuesday and testing. Stuff like that. Today I spent time just riding around South Maryland with my dad. He originally just went to return some car parts to an autozone from around that area. Eventually my dad got bored and wanted to go to a tool store in Waldolf. Not that far from the tool store, there was a mall with a Hot Topic inside. I always wanted to go to Hot Topic so I asked my dad if we could go and he said yeah, that was probabaly the worst decison he has made. We got lost in the mall walking around until we stumbled upon the store. As soon as my dad walked in, he got scared. He used to like this stuff back in like the 90s and 2000s too. I wanted to buy like atleast a invader zim tee shirt but my dad got to scared of the store and ran out of the place. Came out the store smiling and giggling at my dad. I saw Mr. Perrotta in the Lowes in New Carrolton and talked with him for a while. After that we got Chinese carry-out and went home. What a day, eh?

January 04, 2023

Wow I left my website unupdated for a few weeks. Nothing much has happened. Bought some cool crap for Christmas like some old yu-gi-oh cards, a shirt, a bracelet, a South Park game for the Switch, and some silly long girly socks. I wish Winter Break lasted forever and full of Holiday joy. This Chirstmas didn't feel like a Christmas. The consumerism has overtaken the holiday joy. Speaking of consumerism, I've recently been trying to cut off my "friends" from school because they think I'm retarded for thinking that their slaves to the system and corporations control their feelings. How blind are these people from a grim truth. Whatever.

December 10, 2022

Today was such a good fucking day holy shit I have not have one of these kinds of good days in months maybe even a year! My mom bought me a new phone because my old iPhone 7 had a shaky camera because the lens broke, can't use wired headphones on them, and the microphone was busted so I couldn't call people. My mom bought me the SE 2nd gen and it's just like the 7 but smoother. After that I went to the park and my friends texted me that I should go to the mall so I walked to the mall from the park and it took a while but I made it. Too bad I only had 13 dollars in my pocket and my friends were about to leave the mall. We just spent time walking and waiting for the bus. My mom called me at like 5 because she always gets worried about me and I sent a picture of my friends on the bus and she called me saying stuff like "where are you?" or "what are you doing?" Got off by the station uptown and walked downtown. Bought some coconut water and chips on the way home. I wish everyday was like this

December 09, 2022

A shite day for everyone, eh? God I fucking hate B days. This is like last school year on steriods. Ever since I've been painting my fingernails black, people have been calling me this and that and I try to ignore them but sometimes their shitty remarks get under my skin. So this jackass in Gym class was hitting me in the back of my head and calling me stuff like really mean stuff and he had all his stupid friends laughing at me just got under my skin and I wasn't calm and collective and shit so I just started rambling at them and they took me as a joke. Ignorance is the new plague amongst the newer generations for their brains have withered away to husks to slave of name brands and shitty looks. Everyone here looks the same, same facial features, same manorisms, same hair, same everything damn it! After gym class I cryed in 3rd period Biology class. The only teacher in this building that comforts me is mmy Biology teacher. She's so kind! Too bad she has to work in a school full of idiots. 4th period I have to deal with 2 dumbfucks, one who speaks shitty english and the other than constantly vapes in class. Left school to wait for my mom to pick me up. As we was near our home, dad called and said that his tire flattened near my school so we had to drive all the way back through traffic from school time rush. After that we went to the mall to eat stuff. I got Chinese food they got pizza. At least there wasn't a roach in my food.

December 08, 2022

Thought today was the day my rainbow dragonite sweater was gonna come but it didn't despite it saying it arrived. I was patiently waiting all day long for my dad to come because he has the fucking key to the mailbox or whatever. FUCK FUCK FUCK EVERYTHING BAD ALWAYS HAPPENS TO ME!!!!!!

December 07, 2022

God I hate these people at school so much. They always are looking at you funny or talking shit about you. Past 2 days were shit as usual. Have to pretend I'm happy and shit to get that stare people do when you're crying in class. What's the fucking problem with these assholes?

December 05, 2022

Nothing much done yesterday so I didn't bother typing anything down as a blog update. (Guess my daily blog update streak is broken.) But today fucking sucked ass. Fuck Latin class. Bald bitch of a teacher ain't let me listen to my music during class like you pull up to school with yo pedo lookin' ass with funeral clothes on and those ridiculous church shoes like go back to the fucking retirement home. Had a mental breakdown in 3rd period, a small managable one in class and an uncontrollable one at lunch like I can't take this shit no more man! Afterschool I went to the park and don't never walk around my town when it's getting dark bruh. Weirdos start following you and the crackheads come out to play and shit.

December 03, 2022

Just another lazy saturday. Went out with my family to this Chinese carry-out we've always went to even before I was born probably. Saved some for supper and went to the park to walk around because I got bored. Made noodles and heated my leftovers in the microwave. My dad wanted to talked to me about the leftover black sharpie residue on my nails that refused to fade away. Told him that I got bored in class yesterday and drew them on even though I like painting them black because it makes me feel myself and he didn't say anything but I think he was a bit disappointed at his own son. Whatever. At least I didn't spend all the day slacking off.

December 02, 2022

ANother day, another pair of nails painted black. We got our lockers and codes but ain't nobody using them. Our teacher let us fuck around in the hallways to find our lockers but I didn't even bother to open it. Just used the time to walk around with Seb. Had a sub for 2nd period. Thank God. Nothing really eventful today. In Algebra class, this one annoying duchebag that has been irritating me for over a year because of an embarrassing fight I had with Seb over a year ago was sitting right behind me in a group because the teacher allowed us to work in groups. I see groups of people as cespools and this group was no exception. This utter dumbfuck won't shut the fuck up about what I did a year ago. How do dumbasses like him slip into an honors class. He is like the complete oppisite of what an honors student should be. All his fucking jokes are repititive and corny as fuck and yet it always attracts other assholes like him that somehow got into this shit class. Is this school's expectations so fucking low that this shitbrains are in an honors class. None of these worthless living pieces of shit are worth anything and won't accumilate to shit. No wonder people get fed up with others and cause harm to them.

December 01, 2022

I let the intrusive thoughts win this morning and painted my fingernails black with a Sharpie. Everyone asked me if I was emo and I said I just like how it looks. Had to go to some stupid assembly crap in 2nd period about the stupid rights and shit like that. Kinda ironic that they say their worried that half of the school is "chroniclly absent" when in realty the only thing they are worried about is their wallets. The higher the school grade and attendance average, the higher your payroll is. Kinda fucked up. Sat next to a friend during that shitty assembly. He was playing GTA San Andreas on his phone and I wish I could played on my phone but I was sitting on the very edge of the row of seats and had to cover him from these punk-ass dick ridin' teachers patrollin' around to catch people using their phones and wearing hoodies and hats. Imagine being a souless husk of something that resembles vaugly of the human psyique following orders like a mindless sheep to make yourself look better to your higher ups to get a better pay to live their dreadful bland life paying bill after bill until their in their 60s. Wonder what my dad were to think if he saw my nails so i removed most of it with hand sanitizer afterschool. My legs feel pain. Normal everyday bullshit. At least tomorrow is a friday.

November 30, 2022

Nothing much today. Just listening to Post-Punk through out the day. Slept for the entirety of the afternoon. Too much bullshit.

November 29, 2022

Brought my old android phone to school to listen to music better because I got a Spotify Premium APK downloaded to that shit and tired of listening to constant ads on SoundCloud though my singular working airpod that dies out around 3rd period. Drawing more often in my sketchbook than usual. Sat down and joked around at lunch as usual and back to my nihilistic attitude as soon as I leave the cafetria knowing I have to learn some bullshit chemical formula and shit like that in Biology class. The people I hang out with at lunch think I'm weird and autistic. This girl in the group that I sit at be calling me werid and saying I need to got to an asylum or something IDK. Maybe I am. Maybe their just to distracted by the real world and growing up fast while leaving me with a child-like sense of humor and mannerisms not found in normal teenagers. I'd like to think that I'm just being myself and an indivisual in a world full of fake indentities. Maybe one day people will be acting like themselves and be who they really are. That will probably never happen, just look around a high school and find someone who has different opinions, looks, sense of fashion and personality. They're probably in an urge of getting far away from school as soon as possible and trying to get this shit over with.

November 28, 2022

Just another day at school, doin' work, joking around with the little friends I rarely see. Shared a Ultra Violet with Seb at lunch and stole some of his fries. As I continue my day, a looming sense of melancholy lurks around me ruining me aura and positivity or is it just me thinking I'm edgy and deep and shit like that. God damn it tommorow's a B-day. At least my copy of Um Jammer Lammy came. Now to patiently wait for that stupid cable that I won't shut up about.

November 27, 2022

God damnit, last day of my Thanksgiving break. Guess that means back to a shit repetitive cycle of utter dogshit. It was raining the whole day as well just to rub it in, eh. Atleast some other crap that I ordered from eBay arrived like a PS1 memory card and some old Pokemon cards from a dacade ago when Pokemon was still good. At least me and my mom made some cupcakes with some miscellaneous crap that was in the kitchen. They came out really good too! It can't be all that bad.

November 26, 2022

My Um Jammer Lammy pins came in and I stuck them onto my school backpack and they look fucking cool and awesome, dude! Ate some pupusias for breakfast and went with my dad to the junkyard in Glen Burnie near Baltimore and drank Mug and I haven't drank that soda since June! After that on the way home I listened to an old Sovietwave playlist I forgot about over a year ago. Ate pizza for dinner. Dusk sky looks beuatiful as I'm listening to music made by people that are probably dead.

November 25, 2022

Went to the trift store with my mom and found a copy of Half-Life for 4 bucks. You know damn well I bought it, more specificlly my mom bought it for me. After than I went to the new supermarket I went to yesterday with my mom to just walk around and mom bought me another Japanese soda. Had to fuck around with my computer for Half-Life to work. God I hate Windows 11.

November 24, 2022 THANKSGIVING

Tried changing stuff in the BIOS of that old computer I got yesterday but nothing happened. I hate how every password cracker software has to be behind a paywall and most likely doesn't work and is a scam. Bought some cool Japanese soda and ramen from the new supermarket that just opened in the old spot where that other supermarket was. Stopped by the McDonalds to buy a Pumpkin Creme pie and someone that looked super similar to someone I used to know asked me for change. Ate some good ass Thanksgiving dinner. Might have to go back to buy more of that Japanese soda one day. Worth it being like 2.50 dollars.

November 23, 2022

Another late blog update? Yeah but better late than never! Went for a walk in the park but my legs been hurting like a bitch for the past week or so. Maybe it's because of my skating. My dad came back from the junkyard and the old man running that place gave him an old Dell laptop running Windows 2000 and a Pentium 3. It came with it's orginal charger and everything. I actually plan to bring this ancient dinosaur back to life but it's got a password. Fuck!

November 22, 2022

God I'm getting so lazy I haven't gotten out of bed for anything and writing a blog post about yesterday because I was too lazy yesterday. (Writing this on the 23rd BTW!) Felt so droopy in school aswell. Spent the afternoon sleeping too.

November 21, 2022

2-hour early dismissal today and tomorrow. Ain't that fucking awesome! Ignoring the random act of hatred I had in my mom's car from build up tension (My mom said it was similar to a schizophrenic episode attack kinda deal) and went skating down in the park until 5 when the sun went down. Never been out this late, maybe because my parents have always been over-protective ever since we moved into this bumfuck pitstop town that's only known for being a town with a park and a value village. I used to get infights with these older kids when I played soccer with them. Hey! Look at them now! They're nobodies know! Tried to catch a bus to uptown to go to the 7-eleven but the bus literally drove past me and I ran the fastest I have ran in recent memory. Too bad the bus left me. I saw my dad's big ass ford truck with his rusty woodchipper in the back going to park his truck near the thrift store across the street. The sky turned darker as I spent time with my dad just talking about random shit and we went to the little store near the entrance of the apartment block. Nice.

November 20, 2022

Just another day gone by and now history. Went to the buffet and burned my fucking tongue one this big chunk of orange chicken on the first bite. Ate so much that I felt like I was going to explode and projectile vomit on everything and everyone in my way. Working on new drawings and stuff. Haven't been motivated to add more stuff here. Burn outs a bitch ain't it?

November 19, 2022

Bought an original PlayStaion at the flee market today because I wanted to play that stupid Jammer Lammy game on something that feels good to play on and not crapply emulated on an old android phone. The only thing missing from the playstation was the AV video cable so I bought a cheap one online along with a memory card and an overpriced spin-off game of another overpriced game. But I didn't see how long the cable was gonna arrive and it will take like 2 or 3 months to arrive. I bet by the time it arrives I would have bought one from a thrift store. Wonder what I'll buy with the remaining 3 dollars and 64 cents. After that I went to get dinner with the family at the mall. Bastards didn't cook the pizza correctly and now my tummy hurts.

November 18, 2022

Another shit day turned great. It's like every morning I surround myself in a never ending nihilistic trip. An ecco chamber of negativity and self-hatred. Nearly broke down in theird period biology class and planned to sit alone at lunch but I sat with some friends and soon the small group of friends just akwardly talking and coexisting with each other got full of friends and innapproprite jokes that give off that edgy 2016 vibe. Maybe it ain't as shit as I thought it would be just another one of those days that everything seems helpless and nothing to motivate me but I got to be myself and joke and laugh as if my downward spiral didn't happen a year ago when everyone moved on and grew up. After lunch my mom picked me up from school for a doctors appointment that took forever to get done with. God I despise the clinic my mom always makes me go to, it is ridden of little infant shitspawn that cry all the damn time. Nearly steped in a puddle of piss after walking out of the bathroom. Thank God I'm not in that shit clinic for another minute. THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY!!!

November 17, 2022

Hey! Today was great compaired to other days! Nearly doubled my money by money today by selling my new airpods. They didn't really feel me anyways. Giving the guy I sold the airpods to the box tomorrow. I feel like I'll actually have money to buy a Playstation 1 and shit. Other than that the school lunch was so good I had to steal from Seb's plate. THAT SHIT WAS RIGHTEOUS!!! Heard tommorow Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is gonna release. Overpriced and probably shit. Can't believe I wasted my money on this Nintendo Switch. Lack of good games and shit. Fuck DLC for half-assed games. The only thing I do on the switch is probably play Undertale, Deltarune, Postal Redux and this weird PS1 lookin ass game. Atleast today went by fast.

November 16, 2022

It was a pretty good day today. B days seem to be better than A days. Maybe because the only class I have to try in is Biology. Hard to learn anything in Biology class when the teacher doesn't really does a good job at teaching and just gives us shit to do on the chromebook. My new airpods arrives and they're pretty good I guess. On Friday my mom's gonna pick me up at like 12 to go to the doctors for something. Thank God she's gonna pick me up during Biology class. Next Monday and Tuesday will probably be 2-hour early dismissal days then it's Thanksgiving break or whatever. Everyday feels like Deja Vu with all this repitition. Everyday seems like the last and every blog entry as well. Maybe it's just me overthinking about stuff that doesn't even matter.

November 15, 2022

The only notable thing I have to say about today is that I went to McDonalds after school. God there's too much fucking tests and homework. Constant dread you know. Man I can't wait for Thanksgiving Break next week. "It was the 36th time that he'd broken my heart It was the 80th time that I'd fallen apart, I knew from the start it was gonna be rough but not as painful as this!"

November 14, 2022

Another unnoteworthy Monday. Just another one of those boring days. Bought some nerdy Um Jammer Lammy pins from a seller in Japan and some crappy old Pokemon cards with the left over money on the cards. Just nerdy shit. Might add a segment to this website showing off my nerdy shit.

November 13, 2022

Went skateboarding this morning. Had the urge of skateboarding last night because I watched funny skateboard vids while trying to sleep. Drew stuff on my skateboard with metalic sharpies and name tag stickers. Only the sharpie survived after skating. I mean the name tags got soggy and the ink from the pens got mixed or whatever. Fucked around with my skateboard at the parking lot and feel face first onto a parked car. Thank God no one saw me. Later I went to the park downtown to skate for a while. Too bad some of the pavement was uneven and bulging and some of the concrete was even overgrown by sand and dirt from a big storm that flooded the river long ago. As I was skating, there was this big ass puddle that always fills up and never goes away and I tried going around it but I fell off and got soaked. Thank God my phone didn't get wet. It was cold as shit outside too. Went home after that and downed a shot of DayQuil and threw my newly washed sweater to the bathroom sink. On the bright side, I found two 50 dollar gift cards on the way home and ordered some new airpods. Found some cool weird shit but it goes afew cents over 50 dollars. If the seller doesn't accept my best offer I'm going to buy a physical copy of Um Jammer Lammy or some other cool shit related tot hat game. I wish the Apple App Store could grow a pair and let shit like emulators slide. TL;DR the worst day of skating is better than the best day of school.

November 12, 2022

Guess who's home alone today? This guy right here! This would've been a bit more fun and exciting if I had money and friends. I could have gone shopping or hanging out with friends. So I stayed at home doing stuff on the computer from morning to dusk. Playing around with the code of this website like adding some different music. Went to Burger King to buy breakfast with the last 10 dollars to my name that my grandma gave me. Played Garry's Mod and ate some sloppy crossaint egg and sausage sandwich thing and some other crap. Went out to the store at noon to get a Monster for lunch and this SUPER CUTE scrunkly cat ran towards me and let pet it. Like you wouldn't understand how fucking CUTE this FUCKING CAT was!!! He always came to me for headpats when I go walking around the block or go outside. When I came back from the store, I saw a bag with 2 containers and a paper hanging from my apartment doorknob. Opened the containers inside and it was DOUGHNUTS!!! GLAZED AND CREME FILLINGS!!! The paper said it was from like a Church in Bowie. Pretty far from this pitstop town. I mean it's a pretty big church so they have that kinda money I guess. Made some stur-fry and watched some crap on the computer. Enjoyed being alone with myself, but I have to admit, I felt like I was going crazy in my apartment. Or maybe I felt safe enough to be myself. Either way this was the best day I've had in a while.

November 11, 2022

Surrounded by the noise of obnoxious classmates and repetitive announcements coming out of the PA system telling us the same rules that we have to follow. The announcements said that we can no longer use the restrooms unless it's an emergency. Fucking great, now we can't piss in peace because some dumbass thought that it was a good idea to take some hardcore as drug that's used to kill elephants in the bathroom and fucking die. I don't blame these people for smoking the pain away. These teachers expect us to do so fucking much in so little time. Tired of playing a facade to people about who I really am. Sometimes people think I am the most sad and depressing person they ever met. Some think I'm either the funniest or unfunniest person they ever met. But in real honesty, comedy is my copeing mechanism and it really working as it used to. But hey! I made it to friday! I can finally stop worrying about another miserable day at school!

November 10, 2022

Ever talk to yourself and everyone looks at you and think you are crazy? Haven't had good sleep in a while. Dealing with way too much school work that I don't know about. Overworking students to the edge of insanity is so gonna help them have the slightest hope to achieve in life is so fucking useful. This shit school only has a 66 percent of graduation. It will only go down from here. Most of these people only come here because they are forced to. If life is just working for free until you have to work to live isn't living. Work and work until you are withered away. Not as bad as learning something you already know with an incompetent teacher that thinks he's a drill sargent and thinks the classroom is like the fucking millitary or whatever. Atleast I sit at a table with like-minded people. It was actually a pretty good day dispite my shit attitude.

November 09, 2022

This school is full of parasitic assholes. Most of these people probably don't even exist beyond the walls of this prison. Nothing got even fucking done today apart from my minds rotting away as I'm impatiently waiting for the end of the day. Only at lunch time or when I'm with Seb do I feel happy. Mostly because he gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. God I fucking hate Algebra class dude. This bitch gave me a test on shit I don't even know. Maybe one day I won't come out of school feeling like shit.