Blog and Ramblings



as i wake up in my bed, hair in knots,
i dont even bother to look in the mirror,
i just wake n' bake and let life bring me where i need to be,

whole world's fucked so why not smoke like it's the last day on earth?


As I lie here..


I think about the past,.

friends that have forgoten your name,.

memories you wish you'd forget but your brain keeps playing it on loop on the back of your brain...


Got a new Big Chief dispo. Finally found a plug who won't sell me complete bullshit. Been craving one ever since my old Big Chief in December burnt in my pants pocket because I forgot to turn it off when I put it back in my pocket. Couldn't feel the coil heat up and shit because I was wearing a thick khaki pair of pants, worst of all, it was brand new!


Not sure why I decided to lock in and do a bunch of updating on my Neocities. Just got up and locked in I guess. The snowstorm has extended my winter break by a week, hell yeah. Spent the entire winter break without a penjamin because my old plug moved and I couldn't find anyone to link up with. Guess the school bathroom is by best bet to get a new cart. The cart gonna hit like a fright train after nearly 3 weeks without any THC in my system.


So cold outside but I got bored of being indoors this whole winter break so I went exploring!


One day imma hatch out the egg.